The Eye (2008)

The Eye (2002) is an excellent horror film. That movie had a great atmosphere,an excellent performance from the main actress,some creepy moments which produced me some jumps and a disturbing but perfect ending. And the remake of The Eye lacks of all that important elements. If I have to summarize this movie in a few words,I would say:another crappy remake. This remakes MUST be stopped.This film does not have a good atmosphere, Jessica Alba does not show any of credibility on her role and the ''scary'' moments produced on me unintentional laughs. But,the worst element from this movie is that they changed the brilliant ending from the original film for a pathetic one.

Maybe,the people who did not see the original movie will appreciate the film more. But, for me, The Eye (2008) is a crappy movie with cheap thrills.


essymoestl said...

betul sis, ini produksi ulang dr yg taon 2002 itu .. tp bukannya lebih bagus, malah lebih jelek .. ga ada serem2nya .. :(

peyicia said...

hmm... the eye itu kalo ga salah dulu di bioskop ada kan ya?versi cina pa korea gt lah... pokoknya asia...dan sumpah nyeremin abis.. secara gua tuh penakut juga sih.. ahahaha...gila abis nonton itu ga bisa tidur 2 minggu...gua inget bgt, pas SMA itu... gua sampe nelp temen gua, cowoQ, minta ditemenin pipis... jd dia telp gua gt... nemenin gua pipis ajak ngobrol...sampe da selesai masuk kamar lg, baru ditutup telp'nya...gila abis itu gua kapok nonton horror...

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