The movie tells the story of Tony Stark, an inventor and a playboy that is captured by terrorists and forced to create WMDs. While on captivity, he creates a powerful armor and manages to escape. Returning to America, he begins a new life as superhero Iron Man.
Another interesting aspect of "Iron Man" is that it is the first comic book based movie to openly discuss the 9/11 trauma. After all, we start off with terrorists as the bad guys. Its script has a strong political aspect to it, and it's one of the things that manage to keep the audience's attention. It's still an action flick, but that doesn't mean it can't have some content. The characters are good, but they ultimately are overshadowed by Downey Jr.'s performance. Hilarious and heroic, his Tony Stark is the ultimate Marvel action hero. Tough luck, Spiderman.
"Iron Man" is an action blockbuster for a mature audience. There will be more adults interested in the story than teenagers. After all, it is a political adventure. The movie hits and misses, but it still adds up for solid entertainment and lots of popcorn fun.
ini lucu ya... si tony itu tipe orang nyentrik kayanya....bleeh... gua nonton telat 1/2 jam karena pake acara potong rambut dulu ama cowoQ gua.. dudud dah...
momobilanku said: gue suka banget sama rumah dan kind of dreammm lalallalalaalalala
wahh itu rumah luxus banget yaaa .. mana ada "lab" di lantai bawah gt ... tp pas gue liat kok TV nya standard .. flat sih tp ga ukuran selebar2 dinding ... hehehe ...
Wah, sound interesting Essy ! something i will not miss.
gue suka banget sama rumah dan kind of dreammm lalallalalaalalala
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