Spicy Spare Ribs

500 gr Spare Ribs (dari babi)
1 butir bawang bombay
2 sdm bubuk cabai, merica, garam, gula, minyak
1 btr citrone
3 butir kentang

Spare Ribs diulasi bumbu2 n didiamkan selama 2 jam.
Lalu panasi panci n taruh dengan tutupan.
Potong2 kentang n bawang bombay lalu masukan di dalam panci bersama2 dagingnya.
Dengan api sedang dimasak selama 45 mnt, tambahkan air bila perlu, lalu tunggu hingga air berkurang (mengering)

Erdbeeren im Schokolademantel

250 gr yoghurt
14 butir buah strawberry
2 buah persik
coklat cair

Blender yoghurt dan buah persik dan es batu (biar dingin)
Potong2 strawberry lalu dinginkan di freezer
Minimal 3 jam didiamkan
Tuang coklat cair sebelum disajikan

Trilogy of Crème Brûlée

Vanille, Zitronen und Schokolade

6 dl Doppel- oder Vollrahm
1 Vanillestengel, längs aufgeschnitten, Samen auskratzen
6 Eigelb
5 El Zucker
1-2 EL Zucker für das Karamel

Den Rahm mit der Vanilleschote und dem Mark erwärmen und bei kleiner Hitze ca. 15 Minuten ziehen lassen. Die Schote herausnehmen.
Das Eigelb und den Zucker in einer Chromstahlschüssel mischen. Vanille - Rahm und Kakao und Zeste zugeben und verrühren. Die Flüssigkeit über dem köchelnden Wasserbad crèmig rühren. Es sollten sich keine Blasen bilden, die Crème wird sonst nicht so fein.
In die Portionen-Gratinförmchen füllen und 4-5 Stunden kühl stellen.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Menurut gue nih film kok ga spektakuler yaaa .. abis nonton banyak kecewanya ... kynya cm jual nama si Steven Spielberg n si Harrison Ford doang.

Janggal2nya di film yg bikin gue keki :
- Jones tetap survive setelah ledakan nuklir, cm krn ngumpet di dlm kulkas
- Grup Jones jatuh dr 3 air terjun msh tetep hidup n anehnya ga mental jauh2 tuh org
- Munculnya alien2 ... hiks .. ini asli idenya mengganggu napsu nonton gue
- Pernikahan si Jones di akhir film

Yg kerennya, byk jg adegan lucu yg gue senyum2 ndiri :
- Jones terlihat cool waktu nerangin ke student di perpus pas br aja sepeda motor Jones terseret jauh, kesannya, woooww keren bgt bs ngasih "kuliah" mendadak
- Sahutan Jones yg pertama pas tau kalo Henry itu anaknya sendiri

well, kl mnrt gue, ini film ga sebagus yg gue harapkan, mending tunggu sampe ada di Premiere drpd ke bioskop hehe ..

Dadar Gulung ala Essy

bahan2 sih sama dgn pancake trs demi penampilan digulung kaya guling ..

Bahan pancake :
1 telor
150 ml susu
3 sdm gula
4 sdm tepung

isi :
marmelade (selai) rasa Himbeer n Waldbeer

saus :
coklat cair dr Nesquik (Nestle)

topping :
es krim
kinder confetti yg bisa dimakan

- aduk bahan pancake n tuang di panci yg minyaknya dah panas. dibolak balik biar ga gosong.
- setelah kelar, taruh di piring, oles sebelah bagian dgn Himbeer sebelah lainnya dgn Waldbeer
- gulung lalu belah jadi 2
- tuang coklat cair Nesquik di atasnya
- berikan 1 scoop es krim dan schlagober
- hias dgn kinder confetti

Kantong Pak Janggut isi Sayuran

Aduuhh bikin kantongnya setengah mati ... kalo ga rusak .. n kalo rusak cuma bisa nangis huaaa ...
Tp akhirnya setelah gagal kantong pertama, kantong2 berikutnya ngga gagal ... horeee ...
Berhubung ini percobaan pertama gue, hasilnya ga begitu indah .. tp rasa tetap wowww lohh heheh

Isi kantung :
sayuran spt wortel, jamur, seledri, daun bawang
garam, merica
tepung bumbu Kobe (biar ada rasa spicy sedikit)

Kantungnya :
Udah jadi merknya Tante Fanny Strudelteig (berupa lembaran2 tipis, satu pak isi 10 lembar)

Tambahan :
Corned Beef
Daun bawang
Cabai, tomat, merica, garam, gula, zitronensaft

- Untuk isi, masak sayuran hingga lembut n kering (krn dgn adanya jamur, bakalan basah2 gitu)
- Siapin kantungnya (yg berupa lembaran) sesaat sebelum ingin dibungkus, krn kalo ngga kulitnya ini lengket kemana2 n jadinya mudah robek
- Tuang satu sendok sayuran yg udah dimasak ke dalam lembaran, lalu ikat dgn potongan daun bawang spt pd foto (mestinya gue butuh kaya benang tipis gt buat ngebungkusnya, tp ga nemu, jd gue coba aja dehh pake daun bawang, jd kaya cincin gt buat ngiket)
- Rebus kantung demi kantung di air panas yg ga begitu mendidih (sebaiknya kantung2 sayur ini ditaruh di atas sendok kuah sehingga tdk bersentuhan lgsng dgn dinding/pantat panci)
- Sementara itu siapkan cabainya, blender cabai, tomat n 1 sdm zitronensaft lalu di masak (biar ga sakit perut, ga dimasak jg gpp sih heheh)
- Potong corned beef (tujuannya biar lebih kenyang !)
- Kantung2 yg udah direbus siap disajikan

ps : air yg terlalu mendidih n kantung2 yg ga ditaruh di sendok kuah akan membuat kantung robek n isinya pecah ke dalam air ... :( Jadi sebaiknya masak air dgn api sedang n jgn dibiarkan kantung mengambang di air melainkan ditahan dgn sendok kuah.

The Eye (2008)

The Eye (2002) is an excellent horror film. That movie had a great atmosphere,an excellent performance from the main actress,some creepy moments which produced me some jumps and a disturbing but perfect ending. And the remake of The Eye lacks of all that important elements. If I have to summarize this movie in a few words,I would say:another crappy remake. This remakes MUST be stopped.This film does not have a good atmosphere, Jessica Alba does not show any of credibility on her role and the ''scary'' moments produced on me unintentional laughs. But,the worst element from this movie is that they changed the brilliant ending from the original film for a pathetic one.

Maybe,the people who did not see the original movie will appreciate the film more. But, for me, The Eye (2008) is a crappy movie with cheap thrills.

Crema e caramello

Horeee .. gue bs bikin sendiri .. soalnya pas baca resepnya ngiler2 hehehe ... (Resep dr internet, lupa linknya ... )

200 g Zucker
8 Eier
1 l Milch
1 Prise Salz
1/2 Vanillestange

Zucker karamelisieren lassen, 1/2 Tasse (mit einer Idee Essig darin) zugeben, kochen lassen, bis der Caramel aufgeloest ist. Vom fluessigen Caramel jeweils 1 guten Essloeffel in 8 feuerfeste Foermchen giessen. Den restlichen Caramel mit der Milch und der aufgeschlitzten Vanillestange erhitzen. Die Eier miteinander verquirlen (nicht gar zu fest) und gut mit der heissen Milch vermischen. Diese Eiermilch in die Foermchen fuellen. Entweder in der Mikrowelle im Wasserbad stocken lassen oder im konventionellen Herd.

Speed Racer

Ini pelem apaan sih ? Gue baru aja nonton n pulang dgn geleng2 kepala .. maklum semuanya di luar logika. Ceritanya ? kynya gue ga nangkep amat apa intinya, tp efeknya cool banget ... warna warni ceria itu pelem. Belum lg imajinasinya yg gila2an ... gue yg ga pernah tau kisah Speed Racer jd ga bisa ngikutin, tp terpaksa dienjoyin abis udah bayar hehe ...

So krng lebih yg gue tangkep spt ini :
- Ada seorang anak, bernama Speed, dari keluarga Racer, yang jago balapan.
- Kakaknya, Rex Racer, meninggal ketika balapan. Trs dia kembali sebagai pembalap bertopeng Racer X
- Dia punya mobil balap, Mach 5, yg bisa : lompat, gliding, nyelam, motong pohon, dan ngeluarin robot burung.
- Mobil lain punya kemampuan yang lebih aneh2
- Arena balap meliputi : gunung es, gunung berapi, gurun pasir, piramid, n atlantis
Pokonya nonton ini pelem lebih kaya ngebaca komik anime .. hehehe

Go Speed Racer
Go Speed Racer
Go Speed Racer, Go !

Mushroom Omelette

bikinnya gampang bangeeeeet ... n enaaaaaak ... cocok buat kalo ada tamu yg vegetarian ...

2 butir telor
50 gr jamur cuci n potong
merica, garam

untuk saos asam manisnya :
1 butir bawang bombay
1 butir tomat
25 ml air
merica, garam
1 sdm zitronensaft

- siapin saosnya dl (krn saosnya makan waktu lebih lama)
- potong bawang bombay n tomat, 1 sdm minyak dipanasin di wajan lalu tuang irisan ini, sama merica n garam
- dirasain dan ditambahin zitronen sesui selera (kl tomat ud asam sih ga perlu lagi)
- aduk hingga mengental n tomat meleleh n bawang bombay lembek

- pecahin telor di mangkok lalu aduk n masukkan jamur, merica n garam
- bikin kaya telor dadar biasa tp minyak buat ngegorengnya mesti banyakan, kalo ga jamurnya nempel n robek dehh omelettenya

- sajikan omelette di piring n tuang dgn saus asam manis
- makan pakai kentang goreng dicocol ke saus asam manis ini hehehe

Grill-Kartoffeln mit Cottage Käse

8 butir kentang
200 gr Cottage Käse
2 butir tomat
2 sdm Apfelessig

Rebus kentang sekitar 1 jam biar empuk lalu belah jadi 2 memanjang.
Grill kentang tersebut sekitar 5 menit.
Sajikan dgn Cottage Käse n irisan tomat.
Sirami dgn apfelessig merata di antara tomat dan daun2 salat.

Letscho auf den Birnensalat

Letscho itu paprika dgn saus asal Hungary ... gue modifikasi dgn salat buah pir ... biar lebih kenyang tambahin bacon n telor ..

80 g mentega
100 g bawang bombay
300 g paprika merah, kuning, ijo
400 g Tomat
garam, merica, senf, tabasco
1 telor

4 butir birnen (buah pir)
4 lembar bacon
1 butir telor

1/2 btr bawang bombay
1/2 btr tomat
garam, merica

Bawang bombay diiris n dimasukan ke dalam mentega yg ud cair n panas.
Masukkan potongan paprika n tomat, lalu tambahkan buat rasanya garam, merica, senf dan tabasco. Aduk2 hingga berair n campuran semua mengental. Bisa tambahkan telor dan süßrahm (optional).

Untuk baconnya :
lumuri dengan tepung, lalu masukkan dalam adonan telor yg dikocok plus garam n merica n digoreng di wajan.
Angkat n disajikan bareng Letscho.

Untuk salatnya :
Potong jadi 2 tiap2 birnen lalu masukkan dalam air yg berisi larutan gula n garam (garamnya dikit aja, kl ga tar jadi asinan)
Diamkan selama 24 jam (minimal !)

Tuangkan Letscho di atas birnen lalu tambahkan osengan bawang bombay, tomat, garam n merica ke atas daging bacon.

Hissy Fit

Ceritanya ttg Keeley yg batal menikah dgn AJ. Lalu jg usaha Keeley untuk mencari ibunya yg meninggalkan dia dan ayahnya 25 tahun lalu. Hasil pencariannya sungguh mengejutkan dan membuat gue meneteskan air mata. Kisahnya jg penuh dgn intrik affair, antara AJ (calon suami Keeley) dan Paige (teman dekat Keeley) serta ibunya Keeley dgn karyawan di toko ayahnya. Kisah romantisnya banyak terjadi antara Will (client Keeley) n Keeley. Endingnya, akhirnya Keeley n ayahnya dpt melanjutkan hidup n merelakan wafatnya sang ibu 25 tahun lalu. Ayahnya menikah lg dgn Serena dan Will tentu saja dgn Keeley.

Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay was so much fun to watch, I loved this sequel, the cast looked like they had the ultimate blast making this film. The scenes that got huge laughs from me was when the FBI agent offers grape soda to a guy to get information about where Harold and Kumar were, and some guy in the back round says "How about some Kool Aid?!", also the scene with the return of the weed bag with Kumar and his ex girlfriend was so weird, that it was actually funny. If you loved Harold & Kumar go to White Castle, you'll love Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, it's a comedy not to miss.

The film start with Harold and Kumar on their way to Amsterdam to visit Harold's love, Maria, but of course, Kumar just can't wait until they get to Amsterdam, so he smokes on a plane, but everyone mistakes the bong for a bomb and Harold and Kumar get thrown into Guantanamo Bay. When they have the chance, they take it. When they finally arrive back in America, they got to meet Kumar's ex girlfriend's fiancée who could pull some strings to get their charges clear, but the way to Texas is a long road and they have to face some interesting obstacles.

Kerang Saos Padang

gara2nya si papa sms, mamerin br makan kerang saos padang yg enak itu di Sunter .. ya jelas2 gue lgsng ngiler ..
stlh sekian lama cari2 resep akhirnya hr ini gue berhasil makan kerang lg ... heheheh

400 gr kerang yg udah dikupas (beli di supermarkt, dlm kemasan yg vacuum gt)
50 gr knoblauch butter (mentega rasa bawang putih)
3 bawang putih
5 bawang merah
2 btr bawang bombay
garam, merica
3 btr tomat
4 sdm sambel ABC extra pedas
cabe rawit sesuai selera (gue ud pake berbutir2 tp ga pedes2 jg)
cabe bubuk
125 ml air
Batavian salat

- kerang direbus
- lumerin knoblauch butter di wajan
- potong2 kecil bawang putih n merah, lalu dalam panci terpisah tuangkan minyak dan masukan potongan ini lalu tunggu hingga harum
- masukkan tomat, cabai n bawang bombay yg udah diiris
- tuangkan air, garam, merica n perasan 1/2 butir zitronen, aduk2 terus hingga saus berkurang n mengental
- masukan knoblauch butter yg ud lumer ke dalam saus ini lalu terus aduk2
- saring kerang n campur di dalam saus kurang lebih 5 menit sebelum ingin disajikan (biar ga terlalu lembek kerangnya, soalnya kerang yg gue beli ini cepet banget lembek n jd terkoyak2)
- sajikan dgn batavian salat n dimakan dgn nasi putih hangat ... wooowww !

Lachs mit XO Sauce

Resep aslinya tuh Lachs digrill, tp si Matth ga suka Lachs yg potongannya gendut2 buat di grill krn tar dalemnya msh mentah .. jd eneg ..
jd beli Lachs yg bukan buat grill yaitu yg dipotong tipis2 n dimakan dingin biasanya. Lalu baru dehhh sausnya, resep rahasia gue hehehe...

200 gr Lachs yg udah ready to eat dipotong tipis
1/2 butir Zitronen

2 butir tomat
150 gr Griechischen Käse (shg ada rasa Kräuter n Olive)
250 gr Spargel hijau

Untuk sausnya :
6 sendok makan XO sauce (dr Jkt nehh, di sini ga ada)
air sekitar 60 ml
garam, merica
8 sdm minyak goreng

Daging Lachsnya disusun rapi dipiring beserta irisan tomat.
Grill keju n spargel hijau.
Untuk Spargel hijau cukup 5 menit (kl ngga tar loyo) dan untuk Keju sampai sedikit meleleh tp ga semua meleleh.

untuk Saus :
Panaskan wajan, lalu masukkan semua bahan2, aduk sampai XO sauce dan minyak menyatu. Beri garam n merica secukupnya (gue pakai sedikit garam, krn XO sauce ud asin)
Tunggu hingga saus mendidih dan tambahkan racikan Dill tunggu hingga Dill layu.

Tuang sausnya diatas Lachs n Spargel. Peras Zitronen n taraaaa .. met makan !

Verliebt in die Braut

Tom Bailey is in love with his best friend Hannah. But Tom has a fear of commitment and refuses to admit the obvious--he should propose to Hannah before she finds a less procrastinating suitor. When Colin, a rich Scotsman sweeps Hannah off her feet and asks for her handin marriage, Tom must witness her unquestioned happiness up close and personal--because she's chosen him to be her Maid Of Honor.

Spinat Ravioli mit Sauce Bourguignonne

Ravioli isi bayam dengan saus Bourguignonne

1 pak Ravioli 450gr (beli lgsng dr Supermarkt yg tinggal direbus)

Utk Saus :
2 Schalotten
1 sdt gula
200 ml trockener Burgunder Rotwein
2 sdm Portwein
garam, merica
50 gr mentega
1 sdm minyak

2 butir tomat
5 batang Peperoni

Ravioli direbus n sementara nunggu Ravioli matang bikin sausnya.
Minyak taruh di panci, potong2 Schalotten n masukin ke dalam panci.
Tambahin gula n aduk hingga rada2 kental2 karamel.
Masukin wein, garam n merica ... Jajal sampai rasanya pas.
Terakhir masukin mentega aduk sampai kental2.

Tambahkan tomat (atau bs pakai pasta tomat) dan iris peperoni memanjang dan aduk sebentar. Dimakan selagi hangat.

Love Vegas

In Manhattan, highly-strung stockbroker Joy is dumped by her fiance, whilst laid-back carpenter Jack is fired from his job. Both go with a friend to Las Vegas, where they meet. While drunk, Joy and Jack marry; they decide to divorce after returning home. Jack wins a huge jackpot after playing with Joy's quarter. A judge decides that they cannot divorce right away, they first have to try to stay together. The one who does not cooperate will not get any share of the money. The newlyweds devise ever-escalating schemes to undermine each other and get their hands on the money, only to find themselves falling in love.

Martabak Terang Bulan

Kali ini pengen yg cita rasa Indonesia ... Nyontek resep dr

Ingredients for wrapper :
230 gr Self-raising flour
20 gr Tapioca Flour
375 ml Warm Milk
150gr Sugar
2 Eggs
1 pack instant yeast
1 tsp Baking powder

Fillings :
Sweet Condensed Milk
Chocolate sprinkle

1. Mix self-raising flour, tapioca flour and sugar.
2. Mix yeast with warm milk, stir well. Add into the flour mixture and stir until well combine.
3. Add in the eggs one by one while stirring continuously until well combine.
4. Close the mixture using warm wet tea towel and put it in warm place (or in warm oven) for about 20 minutes until it is bubbling on top.
5. Divide the mixture into four. Heat a teflon skillet (20 cm diameter) with low heat, grease the skillet with margarine. Pour in one part of the mixture. Put on the lid (best using glass lid as you could see what happen inside). Cook for about 10 minutes or until the top full with holes and dry. Sprinkle some sugar, put on the lid for 5 seconds and take it away from the heat.
6. Take out from the skillets and put onto a flat surface, grease the top with some margarine. Drizzle with sweet condensed milk, sprinkle with coarse ground peanuts, shredded cheese, chocolate sprinkle. Fold into half circle, spread the outside skin with margarine again.

Decorate with Sahne and fruits.

Colorado Schinken mit Zitrone-Blauschimmelkäse

daging ayam gulung isi keju rasa zitrone

8 lembar tipis colorado schinken
2 butir bawang bombay
100 gr Blauschimmelkäse
garam, merica
Estragon Senf
1 sdm sirup zitrone
2 butir telor
5 btr kentang

- Letakkan daging ayam tipis di atas piring, taburi dgn garam n merica (tp jgn banyak2) lalu oleskan Senf sesuai selera
- Potong bawang bombay dan susun di atas colorado schinken
- Taro di salah satu sudut keju biru yg udah dipotong selebar daging ayam
- Gulung lembaran daging ini sehingga keju n bawang bombay terlapisi dan duduk dgn aman (posisi ga kebuka2)
- Biar gulungan ga kebuka, ujungnya bs direkatkan dgn Senf
- Grill !

Sementara itu rebus telor 5 menit shg didapatkan kuning telor yg msh mentah (jgn terlalu lama, kl kuningnya keras mnrt gue ga asik)
Taruh telur di piring n aduk sedikit dgn sisa potongan bombay

Sajikan daging ayam gulung dan lumuri dgn sirup zitrone.
Nikmati dgn potongan kentang rebus (kentang ini tujuannya biar kenyang heheh)

Tyrolean dumplings with mushroom creme sauce

benernya mau bikin semmelknödel, tp ga bs dibulet2innya ... pas direbus tuh bola2 pecah terbelah ... jadinya knödel yg terobrak abrik itu diselamatkan jd masakan ini ... :p

Untuk dumplingnya :
2 roti semmel
50 ml susu
garam, merica
1 butir telor
1 butir bawang bombay
40 gr mentega
tepung secukupnya

Untuk saus jamur yg creamy :
1/2 btr bawang bombay
20 gr mentega (ato secukupnya)
25 gr jamur potong2
25 ml anggur putih
10 ml rahm
garam, merica

Bahan2 lainnya :
1 butir telor
100 gr buncis

Untuk dumplingya :
Roti semmel disobek2 kecil, tuang 50 ml susu, garam, merica, telor lalu bejek2 pake tangan (bagusnya dibejek2 dgn tangan yg basah / lembap).
Mentega dicairin di wajan terus irisan bawang bombay n petersilie dimasak hingga mereka melembek. Tuang cairan mentega plus bawang plus petersilie ini ke adonan roti. Bejek bareng. Lalu taburkan tepung secukupnya (1-2 sendok makan)
Goreng adonan ini di wajan hingga kecoklatan.

Sausnya :
Mentega n bawang bombay spt pas bikin dumpling, lalu masukin jamur. Beri anggur putih, masak hingga anggur putih menghilang. Tuang rahm, garam n merica lalu utek2 hingga mengental.

Bahan lainnya :
Potong n rebus buncis. Ceplok telor tp setengah matang (biar kuning telornya msh setengah matang jd lebih enak)

Susun telor ceplok, buncis dan dumpling di piring lalu tuangi dgn saus jamurnya. Makan pas hangat .. cocok sambil minum Chardonnay ... :p

Brie Käse in Carozza

Keju plus sardellen dalam bungkusan roti panggang (katanya ini khas banget di Italia sana)

8 keping roti toast
Keju Brie 150gr (potong iris2 tipis)
16 buah sardellen (krng lebih 2 botol)
2 sdm tepung
3 butir telor
3 sdm susu
minyak buat goreng
2 btr tomat
2 sdm tafelessig

- Belah roti jadi 2 model segitiga. Susun sbg berikut : roti-brie-sardelen (2 pieces)-brie-roti. Terus teken biar nempel (keju brie bagusnya adlh sangat2 lengket, jd tar susunan rotinya ga kebuka)
- Lumuri roti dgn tepung lalu celupkan dlm adonan telur+susu yg udah diutek2.
- Panaskan wajan sampe minyaknya panas baru deh roti dibakar (jgn sblm minyak panas, tar jdnya ga bagus krn minyaknya kesedot)
- Potong2 tomat kecil2 n aduk dgn tafelessig (bisa jg pake salat2 lainnya)
- Roti kelar stlh keju meleleh (cara taunya teken2 roti dgn sendok biar kejunya nongol keluar dikit, jd keliatan kl dah meleleh)

Abadilah Cinta

Kutulis namamu di atas pasir tetapi gelombang menghapusnya.
Lalu kutulis di langit angkasa, tetapi angin meniupnya pergi.
Sehingga kutulis di dalam hatiku. Dan disanalah namamu bertahta selamanya.

Suatu hubungan bisa saja berakhir, tapi cinta itu abadi. Kita tak akan pernah benar² kehilangan seseorang yang benar² kita cintai. Apapun yang memisahkan, jarak, waktu, hubungan yang terdahulu ataupun sesudahnya bahkan kematian
tidak dapat menghapuskan cinta dan jiwa yang telah tertanam di dalam hati.

Dalam novel Abadilah Cinta, Andrei menceritakan kisah kasih antara Revan, Ardini dan Ersad. Revan (pemuda tampan & kaya raya) jatuh cinta pada Ardini (gadis sederhana yang pandai berpuisi). Karena besar cintanya itu Revan mengorbankan banyak hal (kemewahan, cita² dan kemerdekaannya)
Ardini akhirnya hamil dan Revan bermaksud untuk menikahinya. Orang tua Revan sangat berang dan mengusirnya dari rumah. Mereka pun tinggal di sebuah rumah kontrakan. Akibat komplikasi Ardini saat melahirnya, Revan terpaksa merampok dan membunuh atasannya untuk mendapatkan biaya pengobatan... lalu akhirnya Revan dipenjara selama 7 tahun. Ersad (sahabat baik Revan) dititipi dan diminta untuk menikahi Ardini supaya anak yang dilahirkan itu tidak menjadi anak haram. Setelah Revan keluar penjara, dia sadar kalau masih mencintai Ardini. Dia meminta Ersad untuk
mengembalikan Ardini dan anaknya. Tetapi ternyata Ardini sudah terlanjur mencintai Ersad.

Bukan hanya cerita itu saja, Andrei juga menceritakan cinta kasih antara orang tua kepada anaknya serta pengungkapan cinta kepada anak sejalan dengan bertambahnya usia si anak. Misalnya kegundahan yang dirasakan Lana (ibu Ersad) yang merasa semakin dijauhi anaknya. Lana sangat sedih karena ungkapan kasih sayangnya ditolak oleh anaknya. Tetapi Jasril (ayah Ersad) menganggap itu hal yang biasa karena Ersad sudah tumbuh sebagai seorang pemuda yang bosan dengan peluk & cium orang tua.

Ananas Ringe und Bananen im Tomatensauce

cincin nanas dan pisang dalam saos tomat ... rasanya segeeeer !

6 potongan nanas + 12 lembar tipis bacon
2 pisang + 6 lembar tipis bacon
saos tomat
bawang bombay

- ambil nanas satu potong n taruh satu lingkar kecil bawang bombay lalu nanas dibungkus melingkar dgn daging bacon tipis (makanya untuk 6 nanas butuh 12 bacon)
- ulangi langkah hingga semua nanas kelar
- potong pisang jadi 3 bagian. lalu masing2 belah jadi 2 dan lumuri dgn saos tomat
- untuk satu takep pisang isi tengahnya dgn potongan keju lalu selimuti dgn bacon
- nanas dan pisang di grill hingga bacon kecoklat2an
- siap dimakan !

buat yg suka spicy : nanas yg udah diselimuti bacon diminyaki dgn minyak plus bubuk cabe ... shg tar rasanya pedes asam seger ... :p

You Kill Me

Frank Falenczyk is a hit man for his Polish mob family in Buffalo, New York. He has a drinking problem, and when he messes up a critical assignment that puts the family business in peril, his uncle Roman Krzeminski sends him to San Francisco to clean up his act. He is forced to accept a job at a mortuary, and to go to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, where he confesses what job he has, and explains that he wants to get rid of his drinking problem because it affects his capability of properly killing people. He falls for Laurel Pearson, a quirky client he meets at the funeral home. Meanwhile, things aren't going well in Buffalo where an upstart Irish gang threatens the family business, and when violence erupts, Frank is forced to return home and with an unlikely assist from Laurel, faces old rivals on new terms.

Schokonudeln mit Kirschenkompott

Mie rasa coklat dgn buah Kirsch

bahan untuk mie coklat :
4 sdm tepung
1 telor
180 ml susu
2 sdm gula
2 sdm bubuk kakao

10 gr mentega (atau secukupnya)

es krim (rasa yg disuka)

Untuk bikin mie rasa coklatnya :
Aduk semua bahan lalu panaskan wajan, tuang adonan setipis mungkin. Bolak balik biar ga gosong sebelah. Angkat n potong memanjang tipis2 (lebarnya 0.5 cm max). Ulangi langkah untuk semua adonan.

Setelah mie ini selesai, panaskan mentega secukupnya biar meleleh lalu tuang di potongan mie ini (tujuannya biar lebih gurih n ga terlalu kering).
Masukan kirschenkompott dalam mie, n aduk biar sirup2nya jg meresap.
Hias dgn es krim yg dipilih dan schlagobers. Tusukkan zimt buat jd hiasan.
Nikmati selagi dingin (sebelum es krim lumer hehhe)

Meet Bill

Bill is an overworked 40-something with no future and who has become completely joyless with his personal life and his work life. Working for his father-in-law is drearily depressing and he’s shat upon at every turn by co-workers and family. To make things worse, he’s convinced that his wife is cheating on him with the local news anchor. Setting up a hidden camera in his bedroom one afternoon confirms his suspicions and Bill goes into an even deeper funk and his wife goes so far as to turn the tables on Bill and make everything his fault.

The rescue comes in the form of a 17 year-old student whom Bill is supposed to be mentoring. Instead of Bill mentoring the student however, Bill gets a life lesson in fun from the student.

We don’t learn much about his mentoring student, other than he’s very rich, likes to get high and seems like he has a pretty high IQ and a talent with the ladies.

The entire story is fairly predictable and nothing we haven’t really seen before. Some interesting characters are strewn together to make a mildly enjoyable experience; though again, there’s little depth or high amounts of charisma from any of them.

Melanzani Lasagne ala Essy

si Matthias nyebutnya burger Melanzani ... alias burger terong ...
aneh ? ga tuhh .. aseli enaaaak hehehe ...

300gr Melanzani (1 buah) dipotong tipis jadi 6 lapisan
2 buah tomat
keju yg disukai (kalo gue : Rollino Italienische Kräuter)

buat saus kejunya :
60 gr mentega
160 ml susu
keju (gue pake Bio Stangl)

Iris Melanzani tipis sama rata jadi 6 bagian dan iris mentimun sebanyak dimau n di grill bareng.
Tomat dan Rollino jg diiris tp ga perlu di grill.

Sambil nunggu grill kelar siapin saus kejunya :
Campur semua bahan kecuali mentega, aduk sampai rata n lumer kejunya. Mentega panasin di wajan stlh lumer br tuang ke adonan sampe kental. Kalo krng kental tambahkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit.
(kadar keju tergantung selera, mau yg ngeju banget atau ngga ... )

Setelah selesai, susun melanzani jadi kaya lapisan Lasagne .. lalu siram dengan saus keju. Sajikan panas2 ... enak2 sambil minum Cola dingin (soalnya saus kejunya eneg lohhhh hehehe)

Hühner Donner Spieße mit Spargelcreme Suppe

Satay ayam bumbu (ala Turki) dengan sup Spargel

Hühner Donner Spieße : beli jadi di Supermarkt (soalnya ga tau gmn bikinnya)
6 lembar Bacon tipis

Rollino Kräuter (keju gulung)

Buat supnya :
500 gr Spargel
garam, gula
50 gr mentega
250 ml susu
2 sdm tepung
2 kuning telor
4 sdm Schlagsahne
air, merica

Buat sup Spargelnya :
Spargel dikupas terus direbus dgn air yg dicampur gula n garam selama 20 menit.
Di panci terpisah, masak susu, cairin mentega n tepung lalu utek2 sampe berbaur n ga gumpal. Tunggu sekitar 10 mnt api sedang tambahkan garam n merica biar rasanya pas. Kuning telor n Sahne diutek2 lalu dicampur dgn Spargel yg udah lembut jd sup. Hangatkan.

Donner spießenya yg beli di Supermarkt dilapisi pakai Bacon terus digrill doang ...

Disajikan dgn Rollino keju gulung n Kopfsalat.

Cara makannya : Hühner Donner Spieße dicocol dgn sup Spargel .. enak bangeeeet hehehe ... :p

Iron Man

The movie tells the story of Tony Stark, an inventor and a playboy that is captured by terrorists and forced to create WMDs. While on captivity, he creates a powerful armor and manages to escape. Returning to America, he begins a new life as superhero Iron Man.

Another interesting aspect of "Iron Man" is that it is the first comic book based movie to openly discuss the 9/11 trauma. After all, we start off with terrorists as the bad guys. Its script has a strong political aspect to it, and it's one of the things that manage to keep the audience's attention. It's still an action flick, but that doesn't mean it can't have some content. The characters are good, but they ultimately are overshadowed by Downey Jr.'s performance. Hilarious and heroic, his Tony Stark is the ultimate Marvel action hero. Tough luck, Spiderman.

"Iron Man" is an action blockbuster for a mature audience. There will be more adults interested in the story than teenagers. After all, it is a political adventure. The movie hits and misses, but it still adds up for solid entertainment and lots of popcorn fun.


Der 15jährige Tom ist Sohn eines Piloten und in seinem Leben schon mehr herumgekommen, als ihm lieb ist. Nun heißt es wieder Abschied nehmen - diesmal von Berlin. Er soll zu seiner Oma auf eine kleine Nordseeinsel ziehen, wo er gleich mit Lars, dem draufgängerischen Anführer der Surfer-Clique, aneinander gerät. Tom stellt sich ihm in den Weg, um Eric, das regelmäßige Opfer der Wellenreiter-Gang, zu schützen. Damit bekommt er zwar einen neuen Freund, aber auch mächtig viel Ärger. Die Insel ist klein und schon bald trifft Tom auf die bildschöne Vic und verliebt sich sofort in sie. Vic, die seit Jahren in fester Hand von Lars ist...

Chasseurs de dragons - Dragon Hunters

Dragon Hunters is a fantastic tale telling the adventures of two dragon hunters: the world has become a vast conglomerate of islands of varying size and shape. This babbling universe is mainly peopled with ruthless rogues, surly peasants and illiterate, petty lords Their main concerns revolve around two fundamental rules : Eat and don't get eaten. For this new world has become infested with a terrible plague: omnipresent, monstrously famished, mutant creatures, are wreaking havoc. They are known as : THE DRAGONS GWIZDO and LIAN-CHU are two dragon hunters, but are a long way from being among the best. Their only real talents: the size of the hulking brute with the heart of gold, Lian-Chu, and Gwizdo's talent for scams of all and any shape or form. Their sole ambition: to buy a little farm where they can chill out and raise mussels, a creature that is a lot less unpleasant and difficult to hunt down than dragons. A few islands away rises the fortress of Lord Arnold. Arnold has a problem: he's living in terror at the thought of the return of World Eater, that horrible dragon that returns every thirty seasons to spread terror and destruction. Nobody has been able to conquer him. In fact nobody's ever returned alive to spread the news of how the fight went. Zoe, the grand-niece of the lord, has decided to take matters in hand, and has met Gwizdo and Lian-Chu. Persuaded that she has found the heroes of her dreams, she is going to drag them into the maddest of adventures...

The Penderwicks : A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy

I am definitely not in the target audience for this book, nor anywhere close to it. That audience would be mainly young girls, and also perhaps mothers of young girls.

Four children (in this case all girls) aged 4 to 12, all intelligent, all talented and likeable, with a professor father who is there if needed, but mostly stays out of the way, a scene-stealing dog, and for location, a vacation cottage on the grounds of a huge estate. Before long the obnoxious woman who owns the estate is established as the villain, and her son as an interesting ally, with other estate staff in important supporting roles. After initial misunderstandings, everyone gets on quite well with each other, except, of course, with the villain and her boyfriend.

As I read, my jaded first impression was that the author was trying too hard, quickly outlining the artsy child (Jane, a writer), the sport-loving rebel tomboy (Skye), the responsible eldest with a crush (Rosalind), and the spoiled, shy baby (Batty). The neighbor boy Jeffrey fills in first as mystery, then opponent, then staunch ally, and exploration and adventures make up much of the action in the early chapters.

Before long, however, I was sucked right into the story, stopped analyzing, and just enjoyed this book as a good read, the kind I don’t often encounter in new authors these days. The writing is quite good, no surprise that the book won a National Book Award.

If you like well-written, entertaining stories, you can’t go wrong with this one.

Tomaten-Joghurt-Schollenfilet mit Spargelrisotto

masih tema Spargel, gara2nya lg musim Spargel .. banyak banget ... :p

2 Stk frische Schollenfilets, gewaschen und getrocknet
gestückelte Tomaten, 2 Dosen
1 Stk Zwiebel, fein gewürfelt
2 Stk Knoblauchzehen, gepresst
Öl zum Einfetten der feuerfesten Form
Naturjoghurt, gekühlt

Für Spargelrisotto :
6 Stangen weisser Spargel
2 El. Sahne
1 Zwiebel; fein gehackt
2 El. Oel
200 g Risotto-Rundkorn-Reis
750 ml Spargelkochwasser
100 ml Trockener Weisswein
Weisser Pfeffer
100 g Parmesan; gehobelt

1) eine runde feuerfeste Form mit dem Öl einfetten
2) den Boden mit den Schollenfilets bedecken, diese beidseitig salzen und pfeffern
3) die Tomaten ebenfalls würzen, mit der Zwiebel und dem Knoblauch vermengen und auf die Filets geben
4) die Form auf der mittleren Schiene für 45 Minuten bei 180° in den vorgeheizten Ofen
5) auf zwei Teller verteilen und mit kaltem Naturjoghurt servieren

Für Spargelrisotto :
Weissen Spargel 15 Minuten in reichlich Salzwasser mit Butter und Zucker bissfest kochen.
Die angegebene Menge an Spargelkochwasser beiseite stellen. Die Spargelspitzen (3 cm) abschneiden und beiseite stellen. Rest in 1 cm lange Stuecke schneiden, davon 1/3 mit der Sahne zusammen puerieren. Zwiebel in Oel hell duensten. Den Reis dazugeben und glasig duensten. Wein und Spargelkochwasser mischen. Etwa 15 Minuten unter staendigem Ruehren nach und nach zum Reis geben (immer erst nachgiessen, wenn die Fluessigkeit verkocht ist). Kurz vor Ende der Garzeit Spargelstuecke und -pueree dazugeben, Mit Salz, Pfeffer und Parmesan abschmecken, mit den Spargelspitzen garniert servieren.

The Butterfly (Film Indonesia)

The story revolves around a point in the friendship of Vano, Tia, and Desi. A love triangle lies between them, where Vano secretly falls for Desi, while Desi is very protective of Tia and knows of Tia’s long-withheld feelings for Vano. Tia and Desi have agreed to both be friends with Vano and nothing more. The tale continues when they embark on a trip on Desi’s 20th birthday, a trip the trio have long planned. But Desi falls ill in the middle of the trip. Vano and Tia had wanted to bring Desi to the hospital, but Desi insisted on completing their journey, a journey where they learn the true meaning of love, friendship, and life.

Grizzly Park

Eine Gruppe straffällig gewordener Jugendlicher mit positiver Sozialprognose soll sich unter Führung eines Parkwächters in der freien Natur eines amerikanischen Nationalparks bewähren. Zum Glück stecken ihre Freunde der schönen Latina zuvor noch eine Pistole zu, sonst sähe man den Gefahren der Wildnis gänzlich schutzlos entgegen. Denn nicht einmal die lokalen Ranger ahnen, das ein unabhängig operierendes Trio aus entlaufenem Serienmörder, bösem Wolf und wütendem Grizzly ihr Wäldchen unsicher...

The Labours of Hercules

This is perhaps one of Agatha Christie's lesser known novels.
The premise of the book starts with Hercule Poirot contemplating the origin of his name and the twelve labours of Hercules from Greek mythology.

He then goes on to take twelve cases that are linked in some way (occasionally somewhat tenuously) to those labours.
This is a short story collection, although there are some links through the stories, and each can be read independently. Great if you haven't much time to sit down and read an entire novel.

However, as each story is so short, there isn't the depth and twists and turns characteristic of most of her novels, and I would recommend this book more for Poirot fans rather than as a first taste of Agatha Christie's writing genius.

Frankfurter mit Knoblauch Schinken

Ceritanya mau ngegrill gitu luohh di pekarangan rumah hehe ...

Frankfurter 12 pieces
Knoblauch Schinken 12 lembar (daging ayam rasa bawang putih)
Saus tomat dan Senf

Bakar Frankfurter di Griller, lalu stlh bbrp menit (kecoklatan) gulung / bungkus dgn Knoblauch Schinken terus grill ulang.
Belah tomat jadi dua n ikutan di grill bareng (biar irit listrik hehe)
Sajikan dgn saus tomat dan senf !