Vietnamese Dipping Sauce (Nuoc Cham)

1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup warm water
1/4 cup fish sauce (Viet Huong Three Crabs brand)
1/4 cup white vinegar
1/2 of a lime, juiced
3-4 cloves of garlic , minced
2-3 Thai chili pepper, minced

1) In a small sealable jar, combine water and sugar and stir to dissolve the sugar. Add fish sauce, vinegar and lime juice and mix. Adjust flavors to taste.

2) Add garlic and chili pepper. The sauce can be stored at room temperature, if served the same day. Otherwise, store it in the refrigerator.


essymoestl said...

hehehe betul .. rasanya lebih ke manis Mbak .. kl mau pedesan ditambahin chili peppernya .. :p

mpokekstin said...

waah perlu nih buat cocol mencocol cemilan :)

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