Resep nemu dr internet, tp lupa linknya dr mana ... buat yg berasa resepnya dipinjem .. sorry ya ... lupa dicatet hehehe
Vietnamese rice paper wraps, 8" wide
1 radish, julienned
2 carrots, julienned
Lettuce of your choice
Small bunch cilantro, chopped
Small bunch mint, chopped
For sauce :
1/2 cup fresh lime juice
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 TL fish sauce
1 TL chili oil
2 TL chopped fresh mint
2 TL chopped fresh cilantro
1/4 cup crushed toasted peanuts
- Assemble all the veggies in close range.
- Dip one paper wrap in warm water and lay down on a work surface.
- Layer the vegetables close to the bottom edge.
- Roll up quickly, tucking in the sides.
- Tie up with a chive if you like.
- Cut in two with a sharp knife.
- Repeat with other wraps.
- Serve with sauce.
For sauce :
Combine all ingredients in small glass bowl.
Vinaigrette can be made 3 days ahead. Cover tightly and refrigerate.
Vietnamese Roll with Crushed Peanut and Lime Vinaigrette sauce
Posted by
on Monday, April 21, 2008
mantap sekali.. aku juga kemarin ini bikin. aku ketemu resep dari buku resep tuh sama wkt di ausie lihat yg punya hostel bikin spt ini juga.
mantteppp...warna warni...trus pake saus cuka kali jaaaa..:))
iya Mbak Ani, kl mau pake isi daging jg bisa hehe ...
Ini versi vegetarian yah
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