Das große Ostereier-Buch

Dikasih dr Anne-Marie, heheheh ... dibaca2 wahhh isinya penuh ide kreatif buat prakarya dgn telor2 buat menyambut paskah ... lengkap ama poto2 n langkah2nya mudah diikutin .. cm hmmm kl gue bikin, tuh telor pd ancur ga ya ? ato mending beli lgsng jadi ? hehehe ... But ini buku bener2 bagus, meski terbitan sejak 2005

The Wish List

The book proceeds at a frantic pace, detailing the trials and tribulations of pals Lucy, Meg, Chloe and Tom. Main character Lucy is a sassy, witty, struggling actress with a weakness for shagging Tom. This would all be very well if Tom was more committed to Lucy, but Tom is a cynical kinda guy, and finds it hilarious to buy Lucy appalling flowers. Meg is a confident corporate lawyer, known for her no-nonsense attitude and cutting comments. She’s the original loner, and is quite sure that she doesn’t need a man in her life. Sweet Chloe is having trouble exercising her authority at work. She helpfully decides to sign the whole gang up for a team-building weekend, on a camping trip with new age guru Hank and a few random campers. This leads to side-splitting interactions with some of Australia’s top weirdoes around the campfire. There’s another hilarious scene in the book when the girls crash Tom and his “man’s night out”. Tom gets all prissy and uptight, while the girls get rowdy and start drinking the boys under the table. There is a lot of (understandable) lust for fellow Australian Hugh Jackman throughout the book. Lucy laments to Tom that Deborah Lee Furness is the owner of the meaning of life. This is because Deborah is married to Hugh Jackman, and he IS the meaning of life as far as Lucy (and La’Brooy) are concerned. La’Brooy’s style of writing is incredibly easy to read. She’s obviously got a wicked sense of humour, and has a fantastic turn of phrase. I particularly liked the bantering between characters in The Wish List. I loved Lucy’s reaction when she finds out Meg and Chloe have been placing bets on her sex life with on again/off again Tom. Lucy snaps, “Stop talking about me like I’m a greyhound”, to which Meg replies; “Lucy can’t be a racehorse. Tom will be riding her and he’s too tall to be a jockey”. Comments like these make the book a memorable read. The main character, Lucy, was great. Despite viewing the world through rose-tinted glasses, she does go through a transformation of sorts towards the end of the book. She has a neat perspective on life, even though she has a morbid fear of curtains. Overall, The Wish List is a guaranteed smile fest.

Indonesisches Chop Suey (Cap-Cay)

Chop Suey ist ein aus China stammendes Gericht, das in Indonesien inzwischen große Beliebtheit erlangt hat. Es besteht im wesentlichen aus einer Mischung von verschiedenen Gemüsesorten, die man, je nach Saisonangebot, beliebig abwandeln kann. Man kann das Gericht ohne Fleischzugabe zubereiten oder Fleischstreifen oder Hackfleisch nach Geschmack beigeben.

6 chinesische schwarze Morcheln
1 Stange Lauch
2 Stangen Bleichsellerie
3 Mohrrüben
1 Zucchini
1 grüne Paprikaschote
100 g Sojabohnenkeime
100 g Champignons
100 g Bambussprossen ( aus der Dose)
2 Knoblauchzehen
1 Zwiebel
4 EL Öl
3 EL helle chines. Sojasauce
Pfeffer und Salz nach Geschmack
½ TL Glutamat
125 ml Rindsbouillon
1-2 EL Maisstärke

Morcheln in heißem Wasser etwa 15 Min. lang einweichen, waschen, die zähen Teile entfernen und kleinschneiden. Lauch waschen, putzen, der Länge nach halbieren und schräg in etwa 1 cm breite Streifen schneiden. Selleriestangen samt Blattgrün waschen, schräg in Stücke schneiden. Möhren waschen, putzen, schälen, der Länge nach halbieren, schräg in feine Scheiben schneiden. Zucchini waschen, putzen und nach Art der Möhren zerkleinern, jedoch sollten die Scheiben etwa ½ cm dick geschnitten werden. Paprikaschote waschen, vierteln, Rippen und Kerne entfernen, in feine Streifen schneiden. Sojabohnenkeime waschen und, ebenso wie die Bambussprossen, über einem Sieb abtropfen lassen. Champignons waschen, achteln. Knoblauch und Zwiebel schälen. Öl im Wok oder einer Pfanne erhitzen, Knoblauch und Zwiebel hinein geben und glasig dünsten, dann Möhren, Bleichsellerie und Paprikaschote hinein geben und bei guter Hitze unter ständigem Rühren 2 Min. braten. Lauch, Zucchini, Champignons und Morcheln hinzufügen und weitere 4 Min. pfannenrühren, bis zum Schluss Sojabohnenkeime und Bambussprossen dazugegeben werden. Mit Sojasauce, Pfeffer, wenig Salz und Glutamat würzen, gut vermengen.

Maisstärke mit Rindsbouillon (kalt) verrühren, zum Gemüse geben, einmal aufkochen lassen, alles noch 2 Min. dünsten lassen, abschmecken und ggf. nachwürzen. Das Gericht in eine vorgewärmte Schüssel füllen und nach Belieben mit feinen Omelettstreifen garniert servieren.

Mr. Brooks - Der Mörder in Dir

Earl Brooks verkörpert alles, was einen perfekten Mann ausmacht: Er ist ein treusorgender Familienvater, hingebungsvoller Ehemann und ein äußerst erfolgreicher Geschäftsmann. Doch hinter dieser Vorzeige-Fassade lauert ein dunkles Geheimnis. Getrieben von seinem Alter Ego Marshall zieht Brooks in der Nacht los, um zu morden.

Brutal, clever und unbeobachtet begeht Brooks seine grauenvollen Taten. Bis jetzt - denn seine letzte Tat hat einen Zeugen: Und dem Hobbyfotograf Smith gefällt, was er gesehen hat. Statt Brooks anzuzeigen, fordert Smith, ihn auf seiner nächtlichen Mord-Tour begleiten zu dürfen.

Immer mehr verstrickt sich Brooks in den dunklen Fantasien seines ungebetenen Komplizen, der ihm nicht mehr von der Seite weicht. Und auch die attraktive Ermittlerin Tracy Atwood hat sich längst an seine Fersen geheftet. Zuhause scheinen Brooks Frau und Tochter nichts von alledem zu ahnen - doch wie lange wird er sein Doppelleben noch geheim halten können?

Der Nebel

Ein mysteriöser Nebel, der die gesamte Landschaft einhüllt, zwingt die Bewohner einer amerikanischen Kleinstadt, sich in ihrem Supermarkt zu verschanzen. Doch die Mauern können den Schutzsuchenden nur scheinbar Sicherheit bieten. Die Ungewissheit, welche Gefahr in den weißen Schleiern auf sie wartet, zerrt an den Nerven der Zwangsgemeinschaft, schürt Angst und Verzweiflung. Panik macht sich breit, schon bald droht die Grenze zwischen äußerer und innerer Bedrohung zu verschwimmen. Im Angesicht des Todes ist sich jeder selbst der nächste und jeder Nächste wird zum erbitterten Feind.

27 Dresses

Always a bridesmaid but never a bride, Jane has seen her fair share of weddings. There have been 27 of them, to be exact, and she’s kept the bridesmaid dresses in case you don't believe her. An idealist and romantic to her core, the young woman firmly believes she will get her day in white. Until then, however, she might as well do whatever she can to make saying, “I do,” as ecstatically wonderful for others as is humanly possible.

This changes the day her sexy and selfish little sister Tess starts making come-hither glances to Jane’s boss George, a dashingly successful entrepreneur whom she secretly loves. The twosome quickly and suddenly engaged, big sis isn’t none to happy about this, especially when her favorite wedding reporter named Kevin wants to write a story on the happy couple.

Or does he? Unbeknownst to her, the cynical (if brilliant) writer could care less about the coming nuptials. He’s more interested in the perennial bridesmaid, hoping to craft a story on her that could be his ticket out the bridal beat and instead fast-track him to some more high profile gigs in other sections of the paper.

With neither person trusting the other, the duo hardly notices the effect they’re having upon one another, love circling them like an arrow shot from Cupid’s bow. Problem is, Jane and Kevin are too consumed by their own desires and ambitions to see it, and if one or the other of them doesn’t act quickly the thing both are looking for might just vanish before they even recognize it’s right in front of their eyes.

April Snow

During a highly unusual snowstorm in late spring, a car accident leaves a local man dead, and a man and woman from Seoul beat up badly and in comas. In Su works as a lighting co-ordinator for pop concerts, and has to leave right in the middle of setting up a large concert due to a phone call from his wife being injured small coastal town. When he gets there, he meets Seo Young, a woman attending to her comatose husband. For both of them, the abrupt situation is both tragic, and also very awkward. Their spouses were in the car togther, driving drunk to a location neither knows. This is never clearer than when they have to sift though a bag of possessions recovered from the car. Which one of their spouses owned the condom? On the cellular phones and digital camera, In Su and Seo Young find intimate phone messages and an explicit video of their worst fears, their spouses lounging in bed in a state of casual and intimate humour.

Both In Su and Seo Young are put through the emotional wringer over the weeks of waiting for their partners either to wake up, or pass away At times both wish for either of these two ends for their silent partners. In a particularly awkward scene, at the request of one of their insurance adjusters, they attend the funeral of the local man who was killed in the accident. The mother, deeply mired in grief, as the accident was the result of drunk driving, at first thinks the couple are friends of her son. When they awkwardly explain their relationship to the deceased, the mother sends them away and the family members threaten violence. That particular form of guilt (how are In Su and Seo Young at fault here?) is convincingly examined though a distanced and unusual relationship, which starts with unanswerable, questions and ends with love.

There will be blood

Kalifornien, zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts: Clever, gerissen und skrupellos setzt sich Plainview an die Spitze des gerade einsetzenden Erdölbooms. Durch einen Tipp erfährt er von einem riesigen, nicht erschlossenen Ölfeld, das sich unter der Farm der Familie Sunday in der Kleinstadt Little Boston befindet. Wie immer will er den Farmern das Land billig abkaufen, das Öl fördern und weiterziehen. Doch dieses Ölfeld wird zu seinem Schicksal. Denn obwohl sie seinem Vorhaben erst zustimmen, stellen sich die Sundays Plainview im Laufe der Zeit immer mehr in den Weg, allen voran Sohn Eli, der fanatische Laienprediger der Gemeinde. Der Öl-Multi Standard Oil treibt Plainview in die Enge, Unglücksfälle überschatten die Bohrarbeiten. Schließlich sind es zwei Katastrophen in Plainviews eigener Familie, die den Einzelgänger selbst, seine engsten Mitstreiter und die ganze Stadt mehr und mehr in den Untergang treiben.

Der Krieg des Charlie Wilson

Er scheint der Streifen eine entkomplizierende Satire über einen texanischen Politiker namens Charlie Wilson zu sein, der in den 80ern durch Charme und Gerissenheit 500 Millionen Dollar für die Verteidigung Afghanistans gegen die Russen auftreibt und die Welt vor dem Kommunismus rettet. Erst am Schluss, als Charlie nach dem Sieg noch ein paar Dollar für den Wiederaufbau locker machen will, wird die andere Seite der Großmacht sichtbar.

Für jegliche Aktionen abseits der primären politischen Motive ist nämlich kein Interesse da. Was sich, wie wir jetzt wissen, böse rächen kann. Tom Hanks gibt den stets von Frauen und Whiskey umgebenen Wilson auf eine sehr unaufregende Art. Glänzen darf Julia Roberts, die als brennende Südstaaten-Antikommunistin Joanne Herring beeindruckt. Die Nominierungen für den Oscar hat der Film allein schon deswegen verdient, weil er es wagt, zu 99 % Gespräche über Politik zu bringen – fast ohne Liebes- oder Kampfszenen.

Es war k'einmal im Märchenland

Ellas böse Stiefmutter hat sich den Zauberstab des urlaubmachenden Magiers unter den Nagel gerissen und damit für verkehrte Umstände im Märchenland gesorgt: So zieht etwa Rapunzels Retter sie an den Haaren von ihrem Turm herunter, und Schneewittchens Prinz verfällt in einen tiefen Schlaf, nachdem er sie geküsst hat.

Indes ist Ella in den hohlköpfigen Prinzen des Landes verliebt, ohne zu ahnen, dass dessen Tellerwäscher Rick eigentlich ihre wahre Liebe ist. Der setzt nicht nur alles daran, ihre Gunst zu gewinnen, sondern kämpft auch dafür, die alte Ordnung wieder herzustellen.

Böse Wölfe sind wie Mafiosi angelegt, schlimme Hexen reiten ihre Besen wie fiese Rockermiezen und die sieben Zwerge sind nun grummelige Rednecks.

Meringue Valentine

Menu penutup dinner Valentine @Roterdstrasse
Idenya sih mau dimodelin kue tart, tp apa daya Meringuenya ga bisa duduk disusun ...
Nyolong Ide dari majalah BILLA edisi Februari

Meringue 1 pak (300gram)
Susu kental manis Indomilk (haha ! di sini ga ada Choki Choki soalnya)

Meringue disusun sedemikian rupa modelin kaya tumpukan kue tart (tp gagal)
Lalu tuang susu coklat diatasnya
Taro di kulkas sebelum "dinner" tiba !

* Ide aslinya (dr majalah BILLA) pake selai raspberry plus ditambah buah stroberi asli. Tp krn es krim gue ud rasa stroberi, jadi kue tartnya rasa coklat ...

Valentine Heart

Dessert yg gue siapin on Valentine Day 14-02-2008

100 g mascarpone cheese
50g sugar
100ml double cream
250g of strawberries fresh or frozen

1. Puree strawberries together with sugar
2. Mix half of the strawberry puree with mascarpone cheese
3. Whip double cream until stiff
4. Gently incorporate whipped cream into strawberries and mascarpone
5. Transfer the mixture into the moulds
6. Freeze overnight.
7. 1 hour before serving transfer strawberry ice-cream from freezer to refrigerator
8. Decorate with the rest of strawberry puree and serve.

Astérix aux Jeux Olympiques

Ini pilm lucu abis, tau kan ttg si gendut Obelix n temennya Asterix ?
Di film ini sayangnya ada sesuatu yg hilang, jd rada2 ga gitu khas Asterix.
Dikisahkan ROmantix jatuh cinta ke putri Irina, juga si Brutus anaknya Julius Caesar.
Mereka rebutan lewat Olimpiade, siapa pemenangya blh menikahi si putri Irina.
Cuma aja Brutus main curang n juga dilarang pemakaian minuman dopping (yg pdhal biasa diminum Asterix)
Jdnya Asterix n Obelix didiskualifikasi. Di akhir pertandingan Romantix, berduel dgn Brutus dlm balapan kuda.
Brutus mewakili Rome, Romantix mewakili Gallien .. n yg lucunya ada michael schumacher mewakili Deutschland hehehhe ...
Kecurangan Brutus akhirnya terbongkar n pemenangnya sapa lagi kl bukan Romantix dr Gallien.
Yg gue sebut pertama ada yg kurang yaitu : judulnya jd bukan Asterix n Obelix ya tp mestinya "Romantix di Olimpiade" ...
soalnya pertama kehadiran Asterix n Obelix kurang banyak, krn didiskualifikasi n juga krn ga blh pake minuman kuat.
Pdhal kan intinya Obelix itu kuat krn minumannya itu ...
Tp begimanapun jg lucu banget, apalagi endingnya ..
ada Zenedine Zidane (bener atau make up ya?) main bola dgn sepatu kets jaman skrng plus baju ala Egypt !
n kelucuan2 khas komik banget ... :p

My Sister's Keeper

Anna came into the world by in vitro fertilization so that she would be a genetic match for her older sister Kate, who was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia when she was 2 years old. When Anna was born, her cord blood was donated to her sister, but when the leukemia returned she then had to donate blood and bone marrow. When Kate's kidneys fail Anna is expected to donate a kidney to save her sister, but she hires a lawyer to be medically emancipated from her parents and gain the right to make the decision for herself. Her lawyer, Campbell Alexander, works for her pro bono.

At the end of the book it is revealed that the reason Anna initiated the lawsuit was because her sister didn't want her to donate the kidney. After the trial she is granted medical emancipation but, just as Anna is about to reveal her decision if she wants to give Kate her kidney or not, she becomes brain dead unexpectedly of a closed-head injury suffered in a car crash. As Campbell Alexander has power of attorney over Anna's medical decisions he grants the use of Anna's kidney for her sister Kate. In the epilogue of the book we see that Kate survived the transplant, even though the doctors thought she might be too weak to survive. Kate believes that the reason she survived is because Anna took her place in heaven.

Saw 4

Di bioskop sejak 7 Februari, ud lama nunggu akhirnya kemarin br kesampean nonton.
Saw 4 diawali dgn adegan otopsi Jigsaw, dmn ditemukan di lambungnya ada lagi2 tape recorder.
Detektif yg mendengarkan tape ini yg ternyata adlh "penerus" Jigsaw.
Meski penonton diajak mengira2 siapa sebenarnya penerus Jigsaw kali ini. Mulai dari ex-wife Jigsaw, atau sang pengacara.
Adegan sadisnya jg bener2 bikin merinding n gue sampe ga berani menatap layar.
Misalnya dmn ada 2 org, satu : kedua matanya dijahit n yg lain (si pengacara) bibirnya dijahit. Si pengacara ini berhasil lolos, n bibirnya dia buka paksa jd robek2 gitu ...
Terus ada suami istri yg ditusuk n digantung barengan, dmn kl si istri mau hidup dia hrs cabut tusukan itu, yg jelas2 akan membunuh suaminya.
Juga cewe kriminal yg rambutnya ditarik pake mesin, sehingga kulit kepalanya ikut ngelupas.
Belum lagi adegan pemerkosa yg skrng terperangkap di alat yg dia bikin sendiri, matanya tercungkil n kaki tangannya kecabut dr badannya.

Inti dr Jigsaw kali ini adlh : jgn menolong org lain krn org lain itu dapat menolong diri mereka sendiri.
Pelajaran ini yg mau disampaikan Jigsaw kpd Detektif Rigg. Meski tetap aja si Detektif (krn jiwa detektifnya ?) nolongin semua korban yg terikat n disiksa Jigsaw.
Menuju ending, Detektif Rigg ini sekarat krn sebenarnya tanpa dia masuk ke gudang utk nyelamatin 2 org yg ditahan, mereka bs bebas sendiri pada waktunya (sesudah 90 menit).
Dan salah satu dr 2 org yg ditahan itu sebenarnya adlh penerus Jigsaw (detektif yg dengerin tape recorder Jigsaw, dmn Jigsaw bilang : ini permainan baru saja dimulai .. )

Yg jeleknya dr Saw 4 ini yg bikin gue keki adlh kenapa tetep pake judul Saw soalnya udah bukan si Jigsaw lagi .. Jigsaw ud mati n skrng tinggal penerusnya aja.
Gmn nanti kl penerus ini mati, n punya penerus lagi n punya penerus lagi, dst .. jangan2 sampe Saw 15 ...
Di Saw 4 ini juga diceritain gmn asalnya Jigsaw jd psycho, yaitu gara2 babynya yg msh di dalam perut sang istri keguguran. Jd dia mau balas dendam.
Pembalasan dendam ini yg bikin mereka bercerai. Krn sang istri ga setuju dgn apa yg dilakukan Jigsaw (bagus tuh istri ga dibunuh ama Jigsaw ! .. )
Ending Saw 4 ini membuat kita ngeh akan munculnya lanjutan Saw 5 krn banyak hal2 yg msh jadi tanda tanya. Apalagi penerus Jigsaw masih berkeliaran.


Cloverfield owes a debt to The Blair Witch Project. The most obvious similarity is the decision to show the entire event through the lens of a camera. The structure is similar as well - a slow build-up as we get to know the characters. Here's where one of Blair Witch's flaws creeps into Cloverfield. The opening sequences last too long. They're supposed to be introducing us to the protagonists, but they're dull and a little tedious. We start itching for something to happen. For 20 minutes, experiencing Cloverfield is like watching the home movies of strangers.

As with The Blair Witch Project, however, once things start happening, the intensity explodes off the screen. The inability to see exactly what is happening is part of the film's appeal.

The film - which is essentially the content of one video tape - begins in April with a cute little scene between lovers Rob and Beth , who have just spent their first night together and are filming each other in the morning. Things jump ahead to a night in May. Rob is leaving for Japan the next day and this is his going-away party. In attendance are his brother, Jason, Lily and Rob's best friend. Things are going well at the party until all hell breaks loose outside. There are explosions. Buildings topple. Projectiles hurtle through the air. In a matter of minutes, New York is in chaos. This time, however, the attacker isn't a terrorist - it's a giant monster. And it appears to be immune to everything the army throws at it.

Nothing concrete is revealed about the monster (although there is speculation). Is it from outer space? From deep in the ocean? Why is it in New York? What are its capabilities? What eventually happens to it? By confining the action in the film to what's on the videotape, Cloverfield eliminates the need to talk to these points.

There are moments of high tension and the sense of danger feels closer and more real than in any recent motion picture.

Enchanted, Inc

Before leaving Texas, Katie was warned that New York was weird, but she didn't realise quite how weird. Fairies on the subway, stone gargoyles that are there one minute, gone the next - Katie suspects she might be going mad. And with her boring job and psychotic boss, who could blame her? But then Katie receives a job offer from Magic, Spells and Illusions, Inc., and finds that New York's not so weird, it's just that magic is, well, real.

It turns out that Katie is an 'immune', which means that magic has no effect on her. In other words, her fellow New Yorkers can't see the fairies' wings or the disappearing gargoyles and Katie's immunity makes her extremely valuable to the magic community, which is currently in crisis and needs her help.

I loved this book. Despite her, um, peculiar circumstances, Katie is a charming and believable heroine. It only takes a couple of pages to suspend disbelief (if that, actually; I was on board from the beginning!) and then it's a really fun read. Enchanted Inc is the first in a series (Once Upon Stilettos is just out) and I can't wait to read more.

Yoga für dich und überall

Ich war ja zuerst skeptisch gegenüber diesem Buch, denn ich bin begeistert vom "klassischen Yoga".

Doch Ursula Karven zeigt uns allen, dass es auch anders geht!!!
Und zwar wirklich effizient!
Sie zeigt uns wie man aus fast jeder Situation des Alltags eine Übungs- oder Trainingssituation macht (und das mit einfachsten Mitteln die jeder zur Hand hat wie z.B. ein Kissen oder ein Handtuch).
In witzigen Zeichungen wird jede Übung erklärt, sehr praktisch :-)

Ein wirklich tolles Buch, dass einem das Thema Yoga mal etwas anders näherbringt!

Unstoppable Marriage

Der Schönheitschirurg Ki-baek Hwang ist steinreich, attraktiv und bei den Frauen beliebt. Von seinem neusten "Fang" lässt er sich zu einem Flug mit dem Paragleiter überreden. Dabei trifft er Eun-ho Park. Sie arbeitet nebenbei als Gleitschirm-Begleiterin, hauptberuflich unterrichtet sie jedoch koreanische Puppenbaukunst. Da Ki-baek sich beim Flug in die Hosen macht und Eun-ho danach beleidigt, beginnt er einen Krieg mit der biederen, aber liebenswerten Frau.

Ihre Streitereien werden zu Liebe. Bloss wie können sie ihre Eltern überzeugen, dass diese Beziehung etwas taugt? Ki-baeks elitäre Mutter Mar-nyun Shim spricht lieber Englisch als Koreanisch, isst keine einheimische Kost und hält arme Leute für Pöbel. Eun-hos Vater Ji-mahn Park dagegen hat kaum Geld, hält viel von koreanischer Tradition und hat für reiche Leute nur Abscheu übrig. Vor allem, seit eine Firma sein Stück Land kaufen will, wo das Grab seiner toten Frau steht, um einen Golfplatz zu bauen.

Die Besitzerin der Firma: Mrs. Shim.

My Wife is a Gangster 3

Let me just say that I was very happy when I first heard that in My Wife is a Gangster 3, Shu Qi was going to replace Shin Eun Kyung as the lead role. Although I have nothing against Shin Eun Kyung, I feel that the character of a female gangster requires just more than having a scary face. I was very disappointed when I saw #1 and #2. I expected something truly funny with tons of mega kick action, but it turned out to be just another cliché Korean gangster film. But this #3 is totally different from it's predecessors, having the right mix of comedy,action,and melodrama.(although I think that this movie should change it's title, given that the movie itself is totally different from it't title.)

"My wife is a Gangster 3" revolves around Ah Ryoung (Qi Shu), who is framed of murdering a crime boss from a rival gang to her father's.
When her father tells her to evacuate Hong Kong until the heat dies down, she chooses to go to South Korea, a country where her unknown mother was born.
A Korean mob boss, who is friendly with Ah Ryoung's father, orders his third in charge Ki Chul to protect Ah Ryoung during her stay. What started as a mutual relationship between Ki Chul and Ah Ryoung slowly develops into passionate love.

The comedy was very funny at times see for yourself. I liked the car chase scene it's something new, fresh, comic and a very sensual idea(you'll understand when you see it). It's cool to see interesting movies once in a while and this one is certainly the one you can't miss. Truly entertaining, overall funny, cool action scenes and a bit of that comic romance. Watch it, its worthwhile.

Meitantei Conan: Kudo Shinichi he no Chosenjo

I usually get a lot of enjoyment out of detective series. As long as the detectives aren’t completely moronic and the cases aren’t extremely easy, I’ll be there every step of the way. However, I found this 10th anniversary of the Detective Conan series completely boring. The actors were good depictions of their anime counterparts. Even though I never watched the anime past a couple of episodes, I could easily identify each character. There was just nothing there to give it that extra ‘oomph.’ Shinichi seemed to be walking through the mysteries despite the fact that he was having trouble solving them. It would have been nice if there was a little more personality for each of the characters. Especially since, in the overall timeline, this special takes place before the anime series actually starts.

Set Menu Imlek 7 Feb 2008

- Sop sirip ikan hiu
- Cold Cuts Platter, terdiri dari telor pitan, udang rebus, ceker goreng manis, irisan lidah
- Tim ikan kerapu
- Siaw May udang
- Bebek presto dikecap
- Haisom dan tito dikukus
- Hio Pio putih ( perut ikan )
- Goh Yong babi
- Shabu-sabu
- Roti Mantao
- Es kelengkeng

Make reservation @Roterdstrasse


The 'pontianak' or 'Kuntilanak' (as known in Indonesia) is a type of vampire in Malay folklore. The kuntilanak is usually a woman who dies during childbirth and her spirit seeks revenge and terrorises villages. Therefore, 'Kuntilanak' is probably derived from the Malay words 'bunting', which means pregnant, and 'anak', meaning child.

In "Kuntilanak", Julie Estelle plays Sam, a varsity student who moves into a rented house after her mother's death. While on the way to the house, she is advised by a man, who happens to stay in the same village, to respect a big tree right at the middle of the cemetery. She is told not to stare at the tree. When she moves in, she is greeted by Bu Yanti, the caretaker, who explains to her the rules and starts chanting weirdly.

Strange things start to happen and Sam sees a white apparition sitting on the chair, combing its hair. She later discovers strands of white hair on the chair. One day, an argument takes place between Sam and a housemate. Shortly after the incident, the housemate dies - right after an involuntary chanting by Sam. Soon more of her housemates join the body count, including her close friend, Dinda (Ratu Felisha). When Sam's boyfriend, Agung (Evan Sanders), disappears mysteriously, everyone leaves the rented house, except for Sam, who insists on getting to the bottom of the mystery.

Indonesian director Rizal Mantovani has definitely put in a lot of effort in the production of "Kuntilanak". The sound effects are relatively good - enough to chill your bones; and so is the cinematography. The cast - Julie Estelle, Evan Sanders and Ratu Felisha - are credible, especially Estelle who manages to sustain our attention as a vulnerable student. The unpredictable storyline, and the scenes of innocent people dying with their heads turned to the back, all add up to another horror outing about the myths of pontianak.

Mein Kind vom Mars

David a widowed science fiction writer, with writer's block decides to find out, by adopting an unwanted boy. The boy, Dennis, outwardly acts as if he is a child from our closest celestial neighbor, the planet Mars. David and Dennis appear well suited for each other because they are both living apart from society. David does so by living alone and writing science fiction novels up until the present time of his wife's death, now he is just alone. Dennis, avoids contact with everyone by taking on the guise of the child from Mars, an alien, a stranger, who acts differently than the norm, and therefore society avoids confrontation with what is unusual. This screenplay is adult in nature because it deals with issues that are unpleasant and upsetting. Taking on the responsibility of rearing an unwanted child, alone, having never actually been a parent, and never knowing if the love you give is going to be returned is a huge step! This is a film that will be appreciated by a very small audience. One must first be able to get past self indulgence and reach a certain level of maturity before one can consider taking on the total responsibility of another life form. Director Menno Meyies has created a very strong bond between David and Dennis in their scenes throughout his film. Unfortunately most of the people on this planet will never see their performances. Go out of your way, go alone if you must, but go see the Martian Child. If you are a parent it will remind you of raising your own children, if you are not yet a parent it will remind you of the childhood you had and the experience of raising your own Martian Child yet to come!

Salami - Baguette

½ Baguette
½ Sahne-Schmelzkäse - Ecke
1 EL Frischkäse, (z.B. Philadelphia)
4 EL RAMA Cremefine zum Kochen (oder Sahne)
Paprikapulver, (scharf)
½ Gewürzgurke(n)
1 Stück Paprikaschote(n), gelb
½ Zwiebel(n)
etwas Tomatenketchup
etwas Chilipulver
Käse (Gouda)

Das halbe Baguette aufschneiden und aus Sahne, Käse und Gewürzen eine cremige "Soße" bereiten. Auf die untere Seite des Baguette streichen, Salami darauf legen.
Paprikastreifen in Stücken oder dünneren Streifen, Gurke in Scheiben und Zwiebel in feine Ringe schneiden.

Darüber einige Spritzer Ketchup geben und ein wenig Chilipulver darüber streuen.
Den Gouda darauf legen und das Baguette für 5-10 Minuten überbacken.

Währenddessen den "Deckel" des Baguette auf den Toaster legen und erwärmen und nach dem Backen das Baguette zuklappen.

Princess Lulu

In my opinion, Princess Lulu is so good! Many say that it could have been better, I kind of agree, but still you really get hooked onto it. I love the actors and actresses in it and I recommend it to people who love romantic/dreamy kind of drama.

As the story progresses, I am able to see how Jung Joon Ho's character, Wu-Jin, changes. He was so fierce to Hee-Soo at the beginning, always ordering her around and trying to make things difficult for her. And he treats dating as a game: he has a fixed routine at each date, when to do this, when to do that and when to stop. As the story progresses, we can see how Wu-Jin changes as he tries different means and ways to be with Hee-Soo.

I don't know why there were so many bad reviews of this drama series because I really like it! Some parts might have been too exaggerated and don't make sense, but this is a romantic comedy, enjoy it! And I really did, I laughed so hard and went "awww" at the show so many times.

Fave parts :
-> Wu-Jin on the phone with Hee-Soo (Hee-Soo in the telephone booth and Wu-Jin just outside)
-> When Hee-Soo thought Wu-Jin was going to commit suicide and revealed that she loves him
-> When Wu-Jin and Hee-Soo went on a road trip together after she ran away from her engagement
-> Last part where Wu-Jin saved Hee-Soo from a dashing car, and ended up in an awkward position. It was so funny when Hee-Soo thought he was going to kiss her but he did not (not until the absolute end) and the expression on her face was priceless!