Lucy Talk

Lucy Gordon is 24 years of age who lives in Burr Cottage in Berkshire with her two friends Bella and Jane. Her friend Mo also lived there however she moved out to see the world. Lucy keeps in touch through e-mail most days although she has never replied to one throughout the whole book. Which will become apparent why at the end.

Lucy works for a company called Widgetex Computers, in the Marketing department. She regularly tries to impress her boss Slave Driver by being talked into doing charity parachute jumps etc. She really wants the promotion of being his right hand man or should I say women, but unfortunately he went outside the company and employed Gabriella Peartree better known as Fruitbat by both her and colleagues. Before long Fruitbat has picked up on Lucy’s vulnerability and gets Lucy doing all the work and Fruitbat takes the credit when really spends most of her time on long business meetings with Slave Driver, do I need to say any more!!

Lucy is a very kind and innocent girl but incredibly naïve. Firstly she is dating a Pilot called Greg and it soon becomes clear that he only rings her when it suits and quite obvious that he is dating his neighbour Peach. However Lucy is blissfully unaware. Eventually Peach has to tell her of the affair, so Greg is finally off the scene.

After sometime she dates Alex who is a gorgeous and she thinks he is the perfect man. That is until she finally goes out on a date with him alone and finds that personality is an important factor after all.

Big Mike the Vet who is the next door neighbour is obviously smitten with her and is always there for her when needed. Yet Lucy has it in her head that he is the village womaniser and has several women on the go, which could not be further from the truth. He spends all his time talking to these women about Lucy, even the women have hinted how lovely he is but she just thinks that they are having an affair with him.

Her family are a right bunch, the Mother is desperate to be on Masterchef and has the most outrageous menus such as Deep-fried artichoke hearts with Vermouth and lime sauce and other strange concoctions. Her Father spends the whole of his time in the garden shed mending his tools. Her Sister Alice is dating Scrumpy who spends most of his time down tunnels on one protest after another. Her Granny lives with them and is constantly drunk, and not forgetting her Big Brother who had the sense to emigrate to New Zealand.

Throughout the whole book she is constantly writing messages to her Big Brother in New Zealand and Mo where ever she is, detailing the days events.

This book is well worth a read, it had me giggling in places and sometimes I found Lucy incredibly frustrating, which was the Author's intentions.


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