Knight and Day

Als June Havens im Flughafen auf Roy Miller trifft, ahnt sie noch nicht, was er vor hat. Er ist in Wirklichkeit ein charmanter, jedoch sehr gefährlicher Geheimagent, Roy erschießt alle Menschen im Flugzeug, sowie Killer, aber auch die Piloten, weshalb die Maschine Not landen muss. June wacht nächsten Morgen in ihrem Bett auf, ohne zu wissen, wie sie hier hergekommen ist. Doch bald tauchen weitere Agenten auf, um sie für ein Verhör mitzunehmen. Es kommt zu einer Schießerei, in der June wieder auf Roy trifft, der sie entführt und sie nicht mehr aus den Augen lässt.

Toy Story 3

Film kartun yg bikin gue nangis terharu !!! Ceritanya ttg Andy, si pemilik mainan2nya yg skrng mau masuk kuliah, hrs menetapkan pilihan buat ngebuang mainan2 lamanya atau sumbangin ke Day Care. Andy diam2 bungkus mainannya pingin umpetin ke gudang, tp tyt jadi terbawa mamanya utk disumbangin ke Day Care.
Ternyata jd mainan di Day Care ngga seindah yg dibayangin, krn mereka masuk sbg mainan di kelas anak2 kecil yg suka menyiksa mainan.
Cowboy Woody yg dr semula ngingetin utk balik ke Andy, satu2nya yg berhasil keluar dr sana, dan balik jemput temen2nya utk kembali ke Andy.
Di akhir cerita Andy menghibahkan mainannya ke Molly, anak pengurus Day Care.

The Crazies

In Ogden Marsh, Iowa, Dr. Judy Dutton finishes paperwork at the local hospital alongside employee Becca Darling while her husband, Sheriff David Dutton, enjoys a local high school baseball game. Dutton’s deputy, Russell Clank, spots Rory Hamill, a resident, entering the outfield with a gun. David tries to get him to drop his weapon but is forced to shoot and kill Rory. David and Judy begin to notice strange behavior in other town residents; they are slow to respond to questions and repetitive in their answers. The next night, Bill Farnum, a local farmer, kills his wife, Deardra and son, Nicholas.

David and Russell investigate a dead soldier who is found in the woods and eventually find a crashed plane that has leaked a toxin into the water supply. Infected residents become extremely aggressive, attacking and killing other people. David tries to convince Judy to leave town but they are captured by soldiers and taken to a temporary military facility at the high school. Judy says that they are being checked for fevers and speculates the infection is a virus. An alert goes off when Judy is examined and she is taken away to be quarantined. She tries to explain that her fever is due to pregnancy, but is ignored and sedated. She wakes up strapped to a gurney as the perimeter of the facility is breached. The military personnel evacuates, leaving her and a room full of infected patients behind, including Becca.

Meanwhile, David escapes from a group of people being released and rejoins Russell. The two go to the high school and get there just in time to save Judy and Becca from the infected high school principal Ben Sandborn, who is killing the patients in their beds. The group begins walking out of town, hiding from both the infected and the military along the way. While they evade the military, the group is ambushed by a group of infected at a car wash and Becca is killed. Eventually, Russell begins to show signs of infection and then sacrifices himself so that David and Judy can escape.

David and Judy arrive at a truck stop to collect supplies and hopefully find a working vehicle. They learn that the military also killed people who were not infected. They survive another encounter with the infected and escape in a truck as the military destroy Ogden Marsh with a massive explosion. David and Judy reach Cedar Rapids.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Adopted from the streets of Nasaf by King Sharaman of Persia, young Dastan grows up amongst royalty and quickly earns his place as a mighty warrior and prince. As his brothers Garsiv and Tus plan battle strategies, a spy sends word that the Holy City of Alamut has been supplying weapons to enemies of Persia. Taking matters into his own hands, Tus orders an attack on the sacred city and upon its fall Dastan encounters the beautiful Princess Tamina. When King Sharaman dies under mysterious circumstances shortly after, and Dastan is accused of his murder, he flees with the princess on a harrowing mission to clear his name. Learning from Tamina the true motives behind Alamut's invasion, Dastan must embark on a perilous quest to stop an evil mastermind's plot for ultimate power with a mystical weapon that can control the very fabric of time.

Be Richer!

Earn your riches in the real estate market in this exciting Time Management game. Build your company from the ground up, as you build houses, mansions, stadiums and even whole neighborhoods in Be Richer! Keep your tenants happy by constructing huge shopping centers, providing maintenance, and meeting their expectations. Plan beautiful cities as you reach your goals, turn a tidy profit, and Be Richer!

Dragon Empire

A Fun Match-3 Adventure !!!

You had a dream build an eternal empire where everybody is happy, people are enlightened and kind to each other. Driven from your homeland by a mighty enemy, traveling the wilderness with a bunch of followers, you discover a wonderful place to settle.

Supply the ever growing Empire with wealth, goods, new technologies and culture and offer protection to its people. Listen to your citizens and answer their needs to unlock hidden rewards. Use your matching skills to earn resources, needed for the construction.

Puzzle Hero

Game puzzle yang menantang, krn setiap kita jalan satu langkah, langkah berikutnya adalah si lawan (computer). Jd hrs bener2 mempertimbangkan apakah langkah kita akan berikutnya menguntungkan lawan apa ngga. Belanjaan yg bisa kita beli berupa baju jirah, topi, cincin, tongkat sihir, dll untuk melengkapi ksatria kita. Gamesnya meski simple tp cukup mendebarkan. Sayangnya bs kelar dlm waktu 3 hari pdhal menyenangkan bgt utk dimainkan.

Dadar Sayuran ala Essy

Liat ada temen makan Tiapia (ote-ote) tp ga tau artinya, akhirnya browsing nemu dehh resep Tiapia .. tp yg ini ala gue, krn males ngiris kecil2 / tipis2

1 batang daun bawang, iris halus
20 g bawang Bombay
50 g wortel
75 g tauge besar (ga pake krn ga punya)
3 lembar nori kering yg direndam dulu di air sampai lemas trus dicabik-cabik dan dicampurkan ke adonan
sawi hijau ngga tau jumlahnya berapa, ambil bagian daunnya saja, iris halus
100 gr keju parut jenis emmental (ga pake krn ga doyan)

Aduk rata:
1 sdt garam
1 siung bawang putih, parut
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
100 ml air
2 butir telur ayam
60 g tepung terigu

Saus Shoyu, aduk rata:
1 sdt jahe parut (ga pake)
100 ml shoyu

Rebus wortel, campur sayuran dengan adonan terigu hingga rata.
Panaskan minyak.
Taruh 1 sendok adonan sayur ke dalam wajan (krn ga diiris tipis2 makanya bejendul2)
Goreng hingga kecoklatan. Angkat.
Sajikan hangat dengan saus Shoyu.

Nutella (Homemade)

150 gr Butter
150 gr Haselnüsse (evt. schon gemahlen)
1 EL Kakao
2 EL Honig
1 Pck Vanille Zucker
1 PR Meersalz

Butter schaumig schlagen.
Ganze Haselnüsse in der trockenen Pfanne leicht anrösten - nicht braten!
Danach zwischen den Händen reiben, damit die letzten Schalenteile entfernt werden.
Dann fein mahlen.
Alle Zutaten gut verrühren und kühl stellen.

Sex and the City 2

Ngebayangin kl di Indo filmnya kena sensor ngga ya ? Kl iya sejauh mn hehehe soalnya tar jd ga kebaca jalan ceritanya.
Filmnya spt biasa bagus, cm aja sedih aja krn lagi2 pernikahan dikenai cobaan yang namanya Affair.
Hampir di akhir cerita jg diceritain gmn modernnya cewe2 di Abu Dhabi skrng, krn dibalik pakaian hitamnya yg menutupi wajah hingga ujung kaki ternyata tersembunyi pakaian modern perancang terkenal keluaran terakhir.


800 g kernarme, blaue Weintrauben
200 g Äpfel
500 g Gelierzucker 2:1
etwas Whiskey (Jim Beam)

Die gewaschenen Trauben von den Reben streifen und zusammen mit den geviertelten Äpfel in den Mixtopf geben. 2-3 Minuten auf Turbo schalten. Dann 16 Min. / 100°C.

In der Zwischenzeit in die Gläser bodenbedeckt guten Whiskey geben und die kochende Marmelade einfüllen. Verschliessen und für ca. 5 Minuten auf den Kopf stellen.

Fantastic Farm

Ini game kategori apa ya .. Ceritanya tuh kita (sbg Maggie) mesti memenuhi apa yg customer minta dr peternakan kita, mulai dari gandum, jagung, susu, sampai nanti berbentuk produk spt es krim, kue pie, baju dll. Dgn timer tentu aja jd stress smp mainnya sambil nahan napas, biar kelar semuanya.
Level awal2 gampang, lama2 cape juga nahan napasnya kelamaan hehehe .. Soalnya customernya banyak dan mintanya bkn produk mentah peternakan tp produk olahannya. Yg paling susah yah es krim, krn kl kelamaan es krimnya udah jadi ngga dikasih ke customer, trs meleleh dan mesti buat ulang.
Sayangnya dr bbrp trophy yg ditawarkan ngga semua gampang diraih .. Jdnya yg ada kekecewaan aja, krn ga mgkn bgt dapetin trophy itu. Trophy plng kejam (krn serasa ga niat kasih trophy) yaitu mengambil 25 btr telur tanpa kepatok ayam ... :(
Susah booo ...

Rosinen Windräder

Summer identik dengan kincir angin, dmn anak2 main kincir angin kertas di jalanan ... Drpd buat dr kertas trs ga kepake (hiihihhi .. siapa jg yg main ?), jadi dehh dibuat jadi makanan yg lgsng disantap sama Matthias.
Cara buat adonannya lihat postingan sebelumnya ya ...

- 1 telur kocok
- gula pasir
- kismis (benernya lbh cantik kl pake buah cherry merah yg manis, cm ga punya sih hehehe)

* gampang bgt, kebayang dong cr buatnya hehhehe ... *

Chocolate Cake in a Mug

Resepnya dr buku Craft Painting 2010.

- 4 sdm tepung
- 4 sdm gula
- 2 sdm kakao (bubuk coklat)
- 1 telur
- 3 sdm susu
- 3 sdm minyak
- 3 sdm coklat chips

- Campur adonan dan kocok dengan garpu
- Bagi adonan ke dlm 2 mug kecil kopi (mug utk microwelle)
- Microwelle : 800 Watt selama 4,5 mnt

Mini Buttercroissant mit Aprikosenfüllung

Kali ini beneran dibikin croissant hiihihih ... dan krn ukurannya kecil jd dinamain Mini deh ...

- Teig & adonan lihat postingan sebelumnya ya ...
- Selai rasa marillen
- 1 telur (kocok)
- gula pasir

- Teig dipotong2 segitiga lalu olesi dgn selai (banyaknya selai sesuka hati, tp mnrt pengalaman mending taruh di tengah ketimbang olesi di semua sisi teig)
- Gulung dr sisi yg lebar ke yg lancip dan kedua ujungnya kiri kanan ditekuk ke tengah
- Olesi dgn telur yg dikocok
- Taburi gula pasir (Option ini sih benernya gue jajal2 doang, abis takut rasanya krng manis, ternyata enakan yg ditaburi gula pasir loh !)
- - Oven Ober/Unter 170 derajat selama 10 mnt

Pastel Keju

Benernya mau bikin Käse Croissants .. tp krn ukuran segitiga yg gue potong kekecilan, jadinya model begini dehh ... gue namain Pastel Keju .. ^_^

Bahan & cara utk membuat adonan Croissant liat di sini ya :

- Emmentaler (keju parut)
- Keju slice (dipotong bagi 2, sehingga jadi model segitiga)
- 1 butir telur (dikocok)
- garam

- Adonan / Teig dipotong segitiga, sedikit lebih besar dr ukuran keju slice yg udah dipotong segitiga
- Taruh keju slice ditengah2 2 lembar teig, ujung2nya plintir agar kalau keju mencair tidak tumpah keluar
- Olesi dgn telur kocok sisi atasnya
- Taburi dgn keju Emmentaler dan sedikit garam
- Oven Ober/Unter 170 derajat selama 20 menit