Sherlock Holmes

The film opens with legendary sleuth Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Watson tracking down and helping the authorities capture the evil Lord Blackwood, who is sent to prison.

They congratulate themselves, but all is not well, even though Watson has his girl Mary, whom he plans to marry. Holmes comes face-to-face again with the wiley Irene Adler. She offers him a case he can't resist. On the case, Holmes falls into danger when he's threatened to be shot by a mysterious man whose face Holmes can't see.

The evil Lord Blackwood calls for a meeting with Holmes the day before his execution, and warns him that although he will be dead, murders will continue, murders that Holmes can't prevent. After his death by hanging, Holmes verifies that the man is dead, without a pulse. But Blackwood's grave is disturbed and someone claims to have seen the man alive. They open Blackwood's grave to find not Blackwood, but the man who Irene Adler hired Holmes to find.

Rumors fly around London about Blackwood's supposed resurrection and unearthly powers. Holmes and Watson uncover a secret society called the Temple of the Four Orders. Apparently Blackwood was in cahoots with these fellows, and a plot has been hatched to destory Parliament with a machine that releases deadly gas. This machine was commissioned by none other than Lord Blackwood himself, who is very much alive. During a battle on the Tower Bridge, Holmes and Watson prevent the attack and seek to expose the truth behind Blackwood's supernatural powers.

With Blackwood now truly dead, and Irene Adler captured, she explains to Holmes that a Professor Moriarty is trying to steal part of that machine. Moriarty has a brilliance that equals that of Holmes, and is extremely cunning.


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