BébéSounds Pränatales Abhörgerät Deluxe Set
Posted by
on Sunday, September 6, 2009
Ich habe dieses Produkt geschenkt bekommen. Es war für uns einfach lustig unser Baby schon vor der Geburt zu hören und mit ihm sozusagen "Kontakt" aufzunehmen. Am Anfang fand ich die Geräusche zwar ein wenig beängstigend und seltsam, mit der Zeit jedoch wollte ich immer öfter hören wie es unserem Baby geht. Die Qualität des Produktes ist gut und es funktioniert wirklich wie versprochen.
Hello Maryann ! Hhehehe this small things is used to hear the baby's heart ... and it said (some of the advertisement said hehehe) that we also can hear the blood flow .. i dont know exactly for this blood flow (maybe like you hear a wind or so .. ?)And for the baby heart its up to 5. months we can hear it with this instrument. Another things are : they have 2 loudspeaker connected so not only 1 person can hear it, but 2 people (with husband or someone else you want to share). I also believe we can direct talk to them without this instrument, but what i see from the features is the another way, how we hear the baby .. :pIts also have a small cd player and small earphone, so we can put the earphone direct in the stomach and play music for them. Until now, i only can use the music feature .. because i cant hear anything yet .. must waiting a little bit until 5. months hehehe ...
Hmmmmmm I´ve never heard about this before, so I wount know anything about it sweetie. HAve you got one already?When I had my kids, we always learned, that we should talk to them and sing for them, cause that way, they would be able to recognize our voices when they were born, and made comitmens alreaday in the mothers tommy, so that´s how we did it then, but if this will work too, I can´t tell, but why not? But I think, it´s easier to just talk to her, isn´t it? And that I´m sure works, cause I´m very very sure, that my kids have been able to recognize both our voices already at the hospital between all the foreign voices there, and that´s why we make bands so early. So talk to your little baby and sing for her, it calms them down and make them know you very early and it´s all feree sweetie ha ha ha ha, and don´t just sing in the bath right? ha ha ha haHAve a great week ahead of you sweetie and take good care okay?Love and biiiig warm hgus Maryann
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