Fated to Love You

I am currently watching the Taiwanese drama Fated To Love You and I am very hooked with it.
It's too bad that I cannot finish it in one sitting as it is currently airing.
I have contacted my DVD supplier and asked for a copy of this drama series.
I would like to include it in my Asian movie and drama series collection.

I love the story as it depicts unwanted pregnancy and being responsible as parents.
It also provides hope that love could spring out from two individuals who are just mere acquaintance
and both have two different lives and lifestyles.

Well, the story begins when the two main characters: Chen Xi Yi and Cun Xi ended up in his room,
Chen Xi Yi being over drunk and Cun Xi being drugged from the liquor that was given to him.
Both should have their dates that fateful night.
However, Chen Xi Yi's date was cheating on her as he was with another girl.
Cun Xi's date did not show up because she was too carefree to be tied up with his marriage proposal.
So, end result is a one night stand and unwanted pregnancy.


aquamarinewannabe said...

aku juga pny .. cm belom sempet nonton .. hikz.

essymoestl said...

fabiolalawalata said: pinjem dounk :))
nonton gretong jg bisa Fab dr, DVDnya belum dpt kiriman nih br di book hehehehe .... :)

bentostore said...

gue dah nonton ini Es, emang bagus n kocak sekaligus bikin sedih juga .. cuman episode terakhirnya ... nonton sendiri deh! biar penasaran ... hehehe ...

fabiolalawalata said...

pinjem dounk :))

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