
This adaptation of Beowulf tells the story of how the warrior Beowulf helps King Hrothgar protect Heorot from the powerful Grendel. After defeating Grendel, Beowulf incurs the wrath of Grendel's mother, who seduces him in order to conceive a son. Beowulf leaves with Grendel's head to secure his reputation and claims to have also killed the mother. Fifty years after these encounters, Beowulf discovers that he has a third antagonist to battle with: a ferocious dragon that turns out to be his son. After a fierce battle that ends in the death of both warriors, Grendel's mother is once again left childless.


essymoestl said...

heheh bagus banget .. ! wajib ditonton .. cuma aja kepikiran kenapa judulnya Beowulf ya .. kenapa ngga "Grendel´s mother" hehehe ... soalnya kayanya yg jadi pusat itu nyokapnya Grendel (Angelina Jolie)

girlani said...

Fab ngebet banget pengen nonton nih film sabtu ini hihihi :-D penasaran jadinya gua b aja sih hihiihi

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