SPOILERS, you have been warned, but on the other hand I'd rather you read this please so that you don't go see this stupid movie. Okay, so Josh Hartnett decides he can't beat the vampires without their powers, so he injects himself with some vampire blood and goes out to lay the smack-down on the leader. Following an fight sequence, he defeats the leader, of course. Wide shot: Josh Hartnett standing in the middle of a group of vampires. Cut to: shot of Hartnett's love interest and some kid she saved, looking dramatic and scared. Cut back to, again, wide shot of Hartnett. Vampires are gone. Where did they go? They never appear again. No allusion is made to them leaving. No action is presented to describe them leaving. No ellipses is used to insinuate that there will be a sequel. ABSOLUTELY NO NARRATIVE LOGIC FINISHES THE STORY.
yup .. ! jelek bangeeeet .. rugi kl nonton bioskop buang2 duit ...
I haven't seen it before but my friend regreted he watched it, not worthy to be seen..
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