200 Pounds Beauty
Die Sängerin Han-na Kang (Ah-jung Kim) wiegt rund 100 Kilo und ist trotz einer Hammerstimme dazu verdammt, hinter der Bühne zu singen - als Stimme für Superstar Ammy. Tag für Tag schwärmt sie dabei für den Produzenten Sang-jun Han (Jin-mo Ju), der für sie aber unerreichbar bleibt. Als sie eines Tages ihn und Ammy dabei zuhört, wie sie über sie lästern, fasst Han-na den Entschluss, sich komplett zu verändern: Sie sucht den plastischen Chirurgen Dr. Lee auf, den sie von ihrer Arbeit als Telefonsex-Anbieterin kennt, und zwingt ihn dazu, sie von Kopf bis Fuss zu verschönern. Nach einem Jahr ist aus Han-na die superschlanke und superschöne Jenny geworden, die prompt bei Sang-jun landet und als Sängerin Karriere macht.
Witch Yoo Hee
Ma Yoo-hee is the executive of an advertising company. She would never be caught dead wearing make-up and only ever wears black. Her hairstyle and glasses are severe, her only enjoyment in life appears to be the times when she's criticizing everything and anyone. All of her employees and co-workers fear her and she is constantly talked about when shes not around. Her stern and harsh nature has earned her the nickname 'witch' When it comes to romance she is hopeless. No matter how many blind dates she has, not one has ever led to a second. The reason for this is her negativity and her inability to loosen up and express herself. She however is completely oblivious of her faults and cannot comprehend why she is so bad when it comes to love.
Choi Mu-ryong is an aspiring chef with a passion for French cuisine. He has an innate ability when it comes to taste and perfection. Every piece of food and every plate he prepares must be perfect. However this tends to get him into a lot of trouble as when working in a kitchen every moment counts and there is not possibly enough time to take so much care in preparation and decoration of meals. His criticism of a head chefs cooking causes him to lose his job. His parents have never really approved of his aspirations and dreams to be a famous chef and insist he return to medical school. He decides to enroll back into medical school but changes his mind at the last minute and decides not to.
Mu-ryong discusses everything with his best friend and ends up going on a blind date to pretend to be someone else who backed out at the last minute. He declines at first since he already has a girlfriend, but his friend offers him money, and warns him however that the woman he will be meeting is rather different.
The woman he meets is Yoo-hee, and while under normal circumstances she would be rude, brash and boring, she tries to be nice and happy in an attempt to succeed on the date. However, her pretending is not very convincing and Mu-ryong figures that it would be a matter of time before she loses it. The date ends when Mu-ryong falls asleep for a moment, resulting in Yoo-hee throwing a glass of water at his face and calling him rude. He retorts back to her also, telling her to take care of her appearance the next time she goes on a blind date. The two then leave on bad terms.
While delivering food from his father's Chinese restaurant, Mu-ryong becomes involved in an car accident, coincidentally with Yoo-hee. They exchange insurance information and Yoo-hee learns that he lied to her on their date, realizing that his name is different, he is a year younger than her, and that he met her only as a favor to a friend.
Yoo-hee demands the money for the damage to her car to be paid within a week. However, Mu-ryong doesn't have any money, and yet Yoo-hee is unwilling to compromise with him. He decides to use his school tuition, which was given to him by his parents, to pay for her car. However, he loses the money after being mugged on the way to pay her.
Mu-ryong tells Yoo-hee he doesn't have the money but is willing to work it off, no matter how long it takes or what he must do for her to pay her back. Yoo-hee decides that Mu-ryong could repay her by working as her house keeper, since she continuously looses her previous keepers.
Meanwhile, Mu-ryong's girlfriend Seung-mi, who works at her father's restaurant, is expecting a new head chef: Johnny Kruger, a world renowned chef, who also happens to be Mu-ryong's idol and an acquaintance of Yoo-hee as well.
Choi Mu-ryong is an aspiring chef with a passion for French cuisine. He has an innate ability when it comes to taste and perfection. Every piece of food and every plate he prepares must be perfect. However this tends to get him into a lot of trouble as when working in a kitchen every moment counts and there is not possibly enough time to take so much care in preparation and decoration of meals. His criticism of a head chefs cooking causes him to lose his job. His parents have never really approved of his aspirations and dreams to be a famous chef and insist he return to medical school. He decides to enroll back into medical school but changes his mind at the last minute and decides not to.
Mu-ryong discusses everything with his best friend and ends up going on a blind date to pretend to be someone else who backed out at the last minute. He declines at first since he already has a girlfriend, but his friend offers him money, and warns him however that the woman he will be meeting is rather different.
The woman he meets is Yoo-hee, and while under normal circumstances she would be rude, brash and boring, she tries to be nice and happy in an attempt to succeed on the date. However, her pretending is not very convincing and Mu-ryong figures that it would be a matter of time before she loses it. The date ends when Mu-ryong falls asleep for a moment, resulting in Yoo-hee throwing a glass of water at his face and calling him rude. He retorts back to her also, telling her to take care of her appearance the next time she goes on a blind date. The two then leave on bad terms.
While delivering food from his father's Chinese restaurant, Mu-ryong becomes involved in an car accident, coincidentally with Yoo-hee. They exchange insurance information and Yoo-hee learns that he lied to her on their date, realizing that his name is different, he is a year younger than her, and that he met her only as a favor to a friend.
Yoo-hee demands the money for the damage to her car to be paid within a week. However, Mu-ryong doesn't have any money, and yet Yoo-hee is unwilling to compromise with him. He decides to use his school tuition, which was given to him by his parents, to pay for her car. However, he loses the money after being mugged on the way to pay her.
Mu-ryong tells Yoo-hee he doesn't have the money but is willing to work it off, no matter how long it takes or what he must do for her to pay her back. Yoo-hee decides that Mu-ryong could repay her by working as her house keeper, since she continuously looses her previous keepers.
Meanwhile, Mu-ryong's girlfriend Seung-mi, who works at her father's restaurant, is expecting a new head chef: Johnny Kruger, a world renowned chef, who also happens to be Mu-ryong's idol and an acquaintance of Yoo-hee as well.
This adaptation of Beowulf tells the story of how the warrior Beowulf helps King Hrothgar protect Heorot from the powerful Grendel. After defeating Grendel, Beowulf incurs the wrath of Grendel's mother, who seduces him in order to conceive a son. Beowulf leaves with Grendel's head to secure his reputation and claims to have also killed the mother. Fifty years after these encounters, Beowulf discovers that he has a third antagonist to battle with: a ferocious dragon that turns out to be his son. After a fierce battle that ends in the death of both warriors, Grendel's mother is once again left childless.
Tom und Jerry - Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte
Jerry's magic Nutcracker Christmas Kingdom brutally taken over by the stray cats. Jerry and 2 toy characters (pixy and horsey) blown trough several world decors, trying to make their way to the Toy Maker, by following the northern star, hindered by Tom and his soldier cats. Finally arrived at the Toy Maker's workplace, Jerry builds an army of toy soldiers to regain his magical kingdom, which he should have accomplished before the sun has fully risen above the horizon ...
Der Sternwanderer
Sprechende Tiere, magische Bäume, unwiderstehliche Gnome und hinterhältige Kobolde in einer Welt jenseits der unseren. Vorlage für den märchenhaften Streifzug war Neil Gaimans „Stardust", dessen Romane schon mehrfach Türen in betörende Fantasiereiche geöffnet haben. „Der Sternwanderer" nimmt einen mit in das magische Land Faerie, das durch eine Mauer von dem kleinen englischen Dorf Wall getrennt ist und zum Hauptschauplatz eines atemberaubenden Abenteuers wird. In einer schicksalhaften Nacht verspricht der junge Tristran (Charlie Cox) seiner großen Liebe Victoria, ihr als Beweis seiner Liebe den Stern zu bringen, der hinter der Mauer ins Reich der Feen, Hexen und Zauberer gestürzt ist. Gefahren, Wunder und Geheimnisse erwarten ihn auf der anderen Seite und sein gefallener Stern entpuppt sich als wunderschöne Yvaine (Claire Danes), die sich beim Aufprall das Bein gebrochen hat.
30 Days of Night
SPOILERS, you have been warned, but on the other hand I'd rather you read this please so that you don't go see this stupid movie. Okay, so Josh Hartnett decides he can't beat the vampires without their powers, so he injects himself with some vampire blood and goes out to lay the smack-down on the leader. Following an fight sequence, he defeats the leader, of course. Wide shot: Josh Hartnett standing in the middle of a group of vampires. Cut to: shot of Hartnett's love interest and some kid she saved, looking dramatic and scared. Cut back to, again, wide shot of Hartnett. Vampires are gone. Where did they go? They never appear again. No allusion is made to them leaving. No action is presented to describe them leaving. No ellipses is used to insinuate that there will be a sequel. ABSOLUTELY NO NARRATIVE LOGIC FINISHES THE STORY.
Nach 7 Tagen ausgeflittert
Eddie (Ben Stiller) ist schon seit Jahren Junggeselle. Doch durch den Druck seitens seines Vaters und seinem besten Freund Mac fragt er sich allmählich, ob er bei der Wahl seiner Frauen zu pingelig ist. Also heiratet er kurzentschlossen die verführerischen Blondine Lila (Malin Akerman). Aber schon kurz nach der Hochzeit beginnt Eddie zu realisieren, dass er einen schrecklichen Fehler gemacht hat. Und es kommt noch schlimmer: Bald nachdem die zwei ihr exotisches Urlaubsresort in Mexiko erreicht haben, verliebt sich Eddie in die bodenständige Miranda (Michelle Monaghan), die keinen blassen Schimmer davon hat, daß er in den Flitterwochen ist. Jetzt muß Eddie einen Weg finden, wie er sich aus seiner erst ein paar Tage alten Ehe herauswinden kann, ohne dabei das Mädchen seiner Träume zu verlieren.
Als der zehnjährige Michael Myers in der Nacht von Halloween zum ersten Mal mordet, sind die Bewohner der Kleinstadt Haddonfield in Illinois fassungslos. Nur zu gern möchte man diesen schrecklichen Vorfall schnell vergessen. Michael wird in eine geschlossene Anstalt gesteckt, wo Dr. Loomis jahrelang versucht, mit dem Jungen zu kommunizieren. Während sich Haddonfields Teenager Jahre später auf ein neues Halloween vorbereiten, flieht der inzwischen 25-jährige Michael aus der Anstalt. Und nun ist niemand mehr vor dem eiskalten Maskenmörder sicher.
Get Karl ! Oh So Jung
There was a woman who used to be wanted by every man she met. Her name? Oh Soo-Jung. She was already engaged to Go Man-Soo who had graduated at the top of his class and even secured a great job! Well, that is until he blew the interview! Upon hearing this devastating news Soo-Jung’s world fell apart. The one reason why she wanted to marry him in the first place was so she can secure her future.
Believing that Man-Soo would end up with a dead end job, she left him at the alter on their wedding day and left with another man to New York! Fast forward 8 years into the future and Man-Soo is now known as Karl and is a famous pro golfer, while Soo-Jung is known as an old miss managing her friend’s boutique jewelry shop!
When Karl and Soo-Jung realize their almost 180 degree turned lives it becomes apparent that their motives are just as drastic! Karl wants to seek revenge on Soo-Jung while Soo-Jung wants nothing more than to have Karl back. So who will win in this battle? Will love begin to grow, which had been missing years ago?
Believing that Man-Soo would end up with a dead end job, she left him at the alter on their wedding day and left with another man to New York! Fast forward 8 years into the future and Man-Soo is now known as Karl and is a famous pro golfer, while Soo-Jung is known as an old miss managing her friend’s boutique jewelry shop!
When Karl and Soo-Jung realize their almost 180 degree turned lives it becomes apparent that their motives are just as drastic! Karl wants to seek revenge on Soo-Jung while Soo-Jung wants nothing more than to have Karl back. So who will win in this battle? Will love begin to grow, which had been missing years ago?
Der Date Profi
Wer ROGER kennt, weiß dass er ein Loser ist, auch wenn er Polizeiuniform hat, einen C1 Führerschein für Parkautos besitzt, weil er fährt ja mit einem Park Mobil auf der Straße, 10 Km/h schnell und schreibt Parskünder auf. Er liest täglich Selbsthilfe Bücher um stärker zu werden, er will mehr Selbstvertrauen, und sein Job st einfach ein Dreck.
Keiner will ihn so richtig, er hat einfach Probleme seine Mitte zu finden, oder mal hart aufzutreten. Und selbst bei sozialen Projekten bei denen er selbstlos den ‚großen Bruder' für Kinder gibt, möchte man ihn nicht mehr dabeihaben.
Er wird sogar von 2 Typen ausgeraubt und zahlt Ihnen die Parkstrafe von 80 US $, weil er sonst Angst hat, dass die Typen ihn vermöbeln. Er hat einen Kumpel, IAN, der will dass er ein Seminar besucht von Dr. P. , das er dann auch macht, 5.000 US $ kostet das Zeug.
Ein Seminar das alle seine Probleme lösen kann, wo lauter Loser hinkommen wie er bemerkt, was Top Secret ist, was von einem 2 Meter Typen bewacht wird, -LASHER, und was sehr einfach ist. Bescheiße alle die du kennst dann hast du eine Ruhe, so ungefähr in kurzen Worten zusammengefasst ist dass.
Und als Dr. P. Draufkommt dass ROGER eine AMANDA liebt, da wird es erst interessant, denn wegen dem ist er hauptsächlich hier alle sind dazu im Kurs um endlich Sex zu haben.
Keiner will ihn so richtig, er hat einfach Probleme seine Mitte zu finden, oder mal hart aufzutreten. Und selbst bei sozialen Projekten bei denen er selbstlos den ‚großen Bruder' für Kinder gibt, möchte man ihn nicht mehr dabeihaben.
Er wird sogar von 2 Typen ausgeraubt und zahlt Ihnen die Parkstrafe von 80 US $, weil er sonst Angst hat, dass die Typen ihn vermöbeln. Er hat einen Kumpel, IAN, der will dass er ein Seminar besucht von Dr. P. , das er dann auch macht, 5.000 US $ kostet das Zeug.
Ein Seminar das alle seine Probleme lösen kann, wo lauter Loser hinkommen wie er bemerkt, was Top Secret ist, was von einem 2 Meter Typen bewacht wird, -LASHER, und was sehr einfach ist. Bescheiße alle die du kennst dann hast du eine Ruhe, so ungefähr in kurzen Worten zusammengefasst ist dass.
Und als Dr. P. Draufkommt dass ROGER eine AMANDA liebt, da wird es erst interessant, denn wegen dem ist er hauptsächlich hier alle sind dazu im Kurs um endlich Sex zu haben.
Ptolemy's Gate (The Bartimaeus Trilogy 3)
"Ptolemy's Gate" is the third and final book of the Bartimaeus Trilogy, following "The Amulet of Samarkand" and "The Golem's Eye". The story starts three years after where "The Golem's Eye" left off, and John Mandrake (Nathaniel) has risen rapidly to the position of Information Minister, engendering jealousy among more veteran members of the government. Instead of dismissing the djinni Bartimaeus, so that Bartimaues could recover, Mandrake has kept him continuously in this realm, leaving Bartimaeus very, very weak. Just as Bartimaeus is reaching the point where remaining on Earth could drain him fatally, a major plot to overthrow the government begins to surface.
Meanwhile, the former Resistance member, Kitty Jones, has taken on an assumed identity, as many people, including Mandrake, think that she perished at the hands of the golem, three years ago. Kitty has begun working for a magician, and secretly studying how to summon Bartimaeus, as she felt that he could tell her much that might help the commoners. Kitty pieces together Bartimaeus's past, which turns out to be quite interesting indeed.
Some consider the following statement to be divulging too much of the plot: Mandrake finally finds Kitty, just as the coup attempt starts, with an outcome that has consequences that are, in the context of this fictional universe, truly dreadful and catastrophic. Will any of them survive? I will say one thing: someone important does die, quite nobly. However, I will also say that, by the time the death occurs, there are several solid hero candidates.
Meanwhile, the former Resistance member, Kitty Jones, has taken on an assumed identity, as many people, including Mandrake, think that she perished at the hands of the golem, three years ago. Kitty has begun working for a magician, and secretly studying how to summon Bartimaeus, as she felt that he could tell her much that might help the commoners. Kitty pieces together Bartimaeus's past, which turns out to be quite interesting indeed.
Some consider the following statement to be divulging too much of the plot: Mandrake finally finds Kitty, just as the coup attempt starts, with an outcome that has consequences that are, in the context of this fictional universe, truly dreadful and catastrophic. Will any of them survive? I will say one thing: someone important does die, quite nobly. However, I will also say that, by the time the death occurs, there are several solid hero candidates.
The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince
With a foolish mother and the need to look after her younger sister, flower boy Go Eun Chan has had to give up the feminine image. It's a love story with Choi Han Kyul, who knows women well and thinks of himself as a great guy.
After accidentally being mistaken for a man, she starts working at Coffee Prince, and falls in love with the hot-tempered owner Choi Han Kyul. But Choi Han Kyul thinks she's a man, and furthermore doesn't believe in love. So she can't confess that she's a woman, and he continues thinking that the agonized Go Eun Chan is a man. Choi Han Kyul thinks he's experiencing feelings of homosexuality towards her, and gets heartsick laugh.gif . This side of him was drawn in a risky but fun way.
The part when he discovers that Go Eun Chan is a woman is shown in an undemanding way, and the story doesn't concentrate on just these two people, but also on the other people who frequent Coffee Prince.
After accidentally being mistaken for a man, she starts working at Coffee Prince, and falls in love with the hot-tempered owner Choi Han Kyul. But Choi Han Kyul thinks she's a man, and furthermore doesn't believe in love. So she can't confess that she's a woman, and he continues thinking that the agonized Go Eun Chan is a man. Choi Han Kyul thinks he's experiencing feelings of homosexuality towards her, and gets heartsick laugh.gif . This side of him was drawn in a risky but fun way.
The part when he discovers that Go Eun Chan is a woman is shown in an undemanding way, and the story doesn't concentrate on just these two people, but also on the other people who frequent Coffee Prince.