I Hate Valentine's Day

In Manhattan, Genevieve Gernier owns a flower shop and has a personal dating rule: a limit of five dates with a man to avoid a relationship. When Greg Gatlin buys a restaurant nearby her shop, they decide to date. However, after five dates, Genevieve is not happy with her rule and does not know how to meet Greg again. She realize she loves him and Greg also has the same feeling. Until the next Valentine's Day, finally Greg tell his feeling to her and they start the relationship.

Baby Quilling Card

Baby Quilling Card yg gue pesen di sgt2 kereeeeen hiihihhihi .... Kayaknya pesennya kedikitan ... :p

Untuk dibagikan ke keluarga2 di Jakarta (Indonesia) mengabarkan kelahiran Yvonne.

Terima kasih buat Mbak Susan yg ngerjainnya ga cuma cepet tp bener2 melebihi apa yg diharapkan ...

The Surrogates

Uhh kereeeennnnnn ... telat yahh gue br nonton hehe .. Kisahnya ttg Surrogates, robot2 masa depan, yg menggantikan scr fisik pemiliknya. Dikisahkan anak dr inventor Surrogates ini terbunuh, pdhal pembunuhnya sebenarnya ingin membunuh inventor Surrogates. Inventor Surrogates ini lalu membalas dendam dan berniat membunuh Surrogates2 beserta pemiliknya yg terkoneksi.

Bruce Willis yg berperan sbg polisi menelusuri kasus pembunuhan Surrogates2 ini dan berakhir dgn menghancurkan semua Surrogates tanpa menghancurkan pemiliknya karena dia sendiri merasakan kurangnya kontak & kasih sayang dengan istrinya, krn segalanya serba robot, tidak ada lg sisi kemanusiaan.

Tokyo Psycho

Yumiko is a pretty young girl faced with the increasingly daunting prospect of being single after her recent split with her boyfriend and now her flatmate, Miko’s, engagement. But after some strange things start occurring, she realises that being single might not be the worst that could happen to her. She starts receiving anonymous letters of marriage proposal featuring sick pictures of her as a child and covered in blood and, understandably, starts to become more than a little concern. When it turns out that her admirer is actually an old classmate from school, Igumi, her worries are not alleviated in the slightest. She gets her friend Miko to look into the case and they find out that Igumi used to live nearby, so they foolishly decide to go and investigate.

Well, what can I say? If you are an avid fan of this particular genre then I wouldn’t be surprised if you chose to pick this up—I’m sure you would enjoy it. But for fans of slightly bigger budget, more stylish, coherent works then I would recommend you look elsewhere. And even if you are tempted — be warned — the German subtitling is so bad that it could ruin the entire movie for you just like it did me.

Tumis Brokoli Spesial

Brokoli 500gr
Ayam dada 1/2 bh diiris tipis
Tahu jepang 2 bh potong 1cm
Daun bawang 2 btg iris halus
Bawang bombay ukuran sedang 1 bh iris 1/2 cm
tepung sagu 2 sdm larutkan
Kecap asin 2 sdm
Kecap ikan 1 sdm
saus tiram 2 sdm
garam, gula , merica secukupnya
kaldu 750 cc

Bawang putih 3 bh haluskan.

ayam dada setelah diiris di berikan sedikit garam, merica, sagu, dan kecap asin 1sdm--diamkan selama 15 menit.

Tumis bawang putih dengan 2 sdm margarin sampai wangi masukan bawang bombay, aduk sampai agak layu tambahkan ayam aduk sampai berubah warna tambahkan brokoli, aduk beri air kaldu, dan semua bumbu, biarkan mendidih dan kembang kol matang, kentalkan sedikit dengan air sagu, masukkan tofu jepang dan daun bawang sampai mendidih sebentar. angkat.

Lezat bila disajikan dengan sambal bawang putih: 3 cabe merah 1 bawang putih cingcang halus, beri 2sdm kecap asin 1sdm kecap ikan.


GAMER is a high-concept action thriller set in a near future when gaming and entertainment have evolved into a terrifying new hybrid. Humans control other humans in mass-scale, multi-player online games: people play people...for keeps. Mind-control technology is widespread, and at the heart of the controversial games is its creator, reclusive billionaire Ken Castle. His latest brainchild, the first-person shooter game "Slayers," allows millions to act out their most savage fantasies online in front of a global audience, using real prisoners as avatars with whom they fight to the death.

Whatever Works

Boris Yelnikoff, an eccentric, misanthropic chess teacher from Greenwich Village, finds a young woman, Melodie, from Mississippi lying on his doorstep. He takes her in for the night and eventually marries her, despite their 40 year age difference and their clashing cultural backgrounds. His philosophy on the matter is that life is short so he might as well enjoy himself.