Mummy 3 : Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Centuries ago, the evil Emperor Han was cursed with his army by the sorceress Zi Juan and transformed into a mummy. In 1946, the explorer Rick O'Connell and his wife Evelyn O'Connell are invited by the British government to take the relic The Eye of Shangri-La to China. The ancient stone is capable to resurrect the Emperor Han and to point the way to Shangri-la and give eternal life to Han. When the couple reaches China, they meet their son Alex O'Connell, who has discovered the tomb of Han, and Evelyn's brother Jonathan Carnahan in his night-club. However, they are betrayed by their friend Prof. Roger Wilson, who is associated to General Yang that wants to serve Emperor Han. He resurrects the mummy and the guardian of the tomb and Zi's daughter Lin tells them that the only way to destroy Han is avoiding that he reaches Shangri-la and stabbing his heart with a dagger cursed by her mother. They travel to the Himalaya in the beginning of another adventure of Rick and his family.


dianadji said...

The Mummy yg paling tidak seru. Lack of spark between Rick & Evie. Lagian Rachel Weiz nggak ada, jadi kurang suka.

hanyvong said...

gak kasih bintang, soalnya belum nonton :)

essymoestl said...

baguuuuuus ... daku ksh bintang 5 kekekek ... pelem emang jarang yg masuk akal Syl, hiihihhi ... enjoyin aja byk yg cakep2 hihiihih ... :)

aliciapoth said...

masa sihhhh ngga bagus??.. gw pengen banget nontonnn:D:D

schneehase said...

Udah nonton.... kalau mikirin masuk akal atau ngga, pasti ini film jelek banget. Tapi gue ngeliat sisi hiburannya aja. Cukup bagus....

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