Mamma Mia !

I absolutely loved the screen adaptation of Mamma Mia! The look of it was gorgeous, never has a Greek island looked so beautiful! I loved Meryl Streep as Donna, she cam across as an honest and good-hearted character. I loved Amanda ans Sophie and my only big casting problem was Pierce Brosnan, you may want to cover your ears when he sings, he's horrible. Some of the songs seemed a bit forced in the storyline, but some of them felt at home. I saw an advanced screening and the sound wasn't very good but that could have been because of the spot where we were sitting. The movie was ultimate feel good! I loved it! It was very bright and bouncy the whole time. I didn't feel that there was one slow moment in the movie! I think my favorite moment in the movie was definitely Dancing Queen. It was spectacular.


occe said...

Nonton Sy....harus..!! kalo nggak nyesel u..., gw aja sampe ke 2 kalinya nih ( dan masih mau lagi...hihihi...), kita ketawa & nangis, dan ketawa lagi...,buat hiburan bener2, pa lg buat mrk yg sk nonton musical. .

innesteenhuisluhukay said...

musti nonton!! :))

essymoestl said...

wahhh ... Bollywood rules means no Hollywood ?

virsaq said...

I wish I could see it here Essy...:) here Bollywood rules..:D

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