
Hasilnya jelek amaaaat ya hehe .. tp untung rasanya ok .. ^_^

- 300 gr lembaran bayam beku
- 100 gr Keju Parmesan
- Bawang putih bubuk
- 50 ml Sauerrahm
- Telur
- Garam & Merica
- Blätterteig (fertigprodukt)

- Bayam ditaruh dlm mikrowave 800 W 8 menit
- Telur, bawang putih, sauerrahm, merica & garam diaduk jadi satu lalu campurkan dlm bayam
- Sementara itu panaskan Oven 175 W selama 10 menit
- Blätterteig dibagi jd 4 bagian memanjang
- Taburi dgn keju di 2 lembar blätterteig yg akan jadi alas
- Atasnya tuangkan adonan bayam lalu tutup dgn blätterteig yg tersisa
- Olesi lapisan teratas blätterteig dgn telur
- Oven 175 W selama 13 menit

Für Immer Shrek

Meski ide ceritanya lmyn aneh tp adegan2 lucunya bener2 lucu. Jadi ngga ngecewain. Awalnya cukup sedih krn dipikir2 ketika Shrek berharap bs menikmati sehari aja jd Shrek yg dulu pas single, kok dipikir2 gue jg sering berharap gitu .. Gmn ngga, keseharian Shrek terlihat "membosankan" dan bikin pusing. Karena jebakan Rumpelstitchen maka hari yg dipilih hari kelahiran Shrek. Akibatnya Shrek ngga pernah exist dan Fiona maupun teman2nya ngga ada yg ngenalin Shrek lagi.
Untuk balik ke reality Shrek mesti dapetin ciuman cinta sejati dari Fiona. Dan taraaaa tau2 bisa balik ke hari dmn Shrek merayain hari ultah kesatu anak kembar tiganya.

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Eclipse was by far my favorite book in the saga. The movie did try to stay true to the book as much as possible but I feel it still lacked what made the book great.

The things I feel is missing from the movie is suspense and chemistry. The love triangle is back and was a bit more entertaining now that all three of them are interacting more. But I still find the lack of chemistry between the characters glaringly obvious. I often had to think about my feelings back when I was reading the book to fortify what I saw on screen. In my opinion, they used too many words (and dialogue from the book) to describe what's going on instead of SHOWING (acting) us what's going on.

The climax in the book was what made Eclipse my favorite of the saga, however, I can't say the same for the movie. The climax was disappointing and anti-climatic. Such dramatics for a walk in the park.